Monday, February 16, 2015
Never Again??
Op-Ed: Holocaust 2? More Horrifying than the Original.
Obama should personally drive Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Congress.
Published: Sunday, February 15, 2015 5:04 PM
Never again? It's Again! We are so smart and prepared. If we should ever see before us Nazis and concentration camps then we will jump to action and make sure it doesn't happen. After all, we learned our lessons from history and now we will never allow such an event, era or episode to occur again.The after-the-fact excuse that Obama is not even going to meet with him because Israel is having an election, goes directly to the aortic heart valve relationship of the United States of America and Israel. The other countries in that region and elsewhere don't have elections. Obama can go to the Saudi king's funeral, there is no election there. Obama can rekindle relations with Cuba, there is no election there. Obama can negotiate with the Supreme Ruler Ayatollah of Iran, they don't have elections there.
While we have our eyes wide open to catch any glimpse of iron crosses and the first sighting of an upper lip, cropped, dark mustache, we are blind to the very true real fact that the Holocaust is here once more. And this one's not going to be as recoverable as the last one.
Obama can go to the Saudi king's funeral, there is no election there. Obama can rekindle relations with Cuba, there is no election there.
The iconic six million number calculating the amount of Jews killed, in Holocaust No. 1, is hauntingly the same census of Jews living in the Jewish homeland of Israel right now. The last genocide required great trial and error, innovation and time in order for the Nazis to figure out how to gather, kill and dispose of the Jews.
This time the Jews are gathered in one spot, six million. Iran drops a nuclear bomb while the world watches. The possibility exists that Spielberg-esqe talents will then make movies about it again, museums will memorialize, memorials will erect facilities, artists and writers will produce Nobel works and the American Jews will scream, "Never again, again!"
That aftermath is just a supposition because sticks and stones will break my bones but nuclear weaponry is forever. Islamic caliphate, extremist, radical, murderous terrorists with atomic weapons, dirty bombs and long range missiles along with a short sighted Washington rewrite a Holocaust disaster movie for the U.S. to star in as well.
In short, there will be no Western World to write about it or build the museums; it will be a global disaster, one big crematorium.
And if you don't believe this scenario then you're the guy in the old Holocaust movie that was naked and walking into the gas chamber saying, "I hope the shower is warm."
So when the Prime Minister of Israel is invited by one of the branches of the U.S. Government (there are three, there is no king) and he wants to once again plead for a non-nuclear Iran, everyone should listen to him.
The U.S. President Barack Obama should personally drive him over to Congress.
And to Vice President Joe Biden who already announced that he will not attend Bibi's speech due to some phantom overseas trip to nowhere, Joe should cancel or postpone it because Hitler has the A-Bomb!
Netanyahu should accept every invite to speak about the Holocaust 2 threat, whether it comes from the White House janitor, Monica Lewinsky, Al Sharpton, David Letterman or even the Joint Houses of the United States Congress.
The Middle East is radicalized; Europe is done; Japan is beheaded; South America is corrupted; where should Israel's Prime Minister talk?
In the Holocaust 2 Museum, there will be an entire wing devoted to Obama and Biden and this moment in history when they negotiated with the nuclear Nazis in Tehran and didn't want a Jew to even talk in Washington.
Never again? Starting when?
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ex-Muslim Imam Pens Open Letter, Giving Obama A History Lesson About Islam
President Barack Obama sparked outrage when he compared medieval Christian wars to modern-day Islamic terrorism at the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday. He spouted that terrorist groups like ISIS “professed to stand up for Islam, but, in fact, are betraying it,” chastising the opposition from getting on “our high horse” when “people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ” during the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition.
Dr. Mark Christian, founder of Global Faith Institute, knows Islamic history too well, being an apostate from the Muslim faith himself. Having experienced the true nature of Islam firsthand as a devout Imam, Dr. Christian penned a fiery open letter to the American leader, which he graciously provided to Mad World News, that includes a blunt history lesson in the unchanging goal of ancient Islam:
President Obama… I realize you thought you were brave and courageous when you defamed Christianity by equating the Crusades and the Inquisition with the present-day barbarism of Islam, but I wonder if your “courage” goes so far as to blame Muslims for the Islamic conquests? Do you have the guts to tell them that in the name of Allah, they invaded nations, practiced ethnic and cultural cleansing, going so far as to erase the very history of conquered lands. Can you tell them that they changed languages and names, enslaved millions and killed an unknowable number of innocent souls simply because they worshiped God, and not “Allah?”. I think not. You know Christians will bow their heads and pray for you whereas Muslims will simply take your head and celebrate.Dr. Christian’s anger is righteous and warranted, and if elected leaders in the U.S. do not heed his word, America will become another conquest of an Islamic Caliphate revived.
ISIS is not animated by the usual “reaction to oppression” narrative the Left trots out as an excuse for every instance of horrible behavior, whether that behavior is rioting in Ferguson, Missouri or the systematic slaughter of all those opposed to your ideology.
ISIS is animated entirely by Islam. The manner in which they kill – prescribed and outlined in the Koran. The way they make war – prescribed and outlined in the Koran. The way they treat prisoners – also prescribed and outlined in the Koran.
ISIS does nothing that Mohammed didn’t first do 14 centuries ago.
You see, the problem isn’t a “radical interpretation of Islam,” the problem is the belief in Islam that Mohammed was the “perfect man,” and as such, worthy of emulation in all things.
Until Islam can recognize that their “perfect man” wasn’t perfect, and both did and ordered horrible things to be done – certainly things that have no place in a modern world – then there will always be an ISIS. There will always be those who dedicate their lives to imitating the man who spawned the greatest killing machine in known history…Islam.
Mike Konrad, the pen name of a colleague at American Thinker, has done the math for us in a remarkably cogent piece that deserved far more attention than it received when first published in early 2014.
The President drew a moral equivalence argument at this year’s National Prayer Breakfast between the predation of Islam and the actions of Christians during the Crusades and the Inquisition. The President is not uneducated. He is surely aware of the speciousness of that argument, yet still proffered it as a back-handed justification of the profane brutality of ISIS and other Islamic supremacist groups.
When we think of genocide, the names that spring to mind are Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. Of course Mao and his utopian fantasies deserve a place alongside the other luminaries of human devastation; millions suffered and died because of these men.
But, when one looks a bit deeper we discover that when it comes to dealing death, the aforementioned dictators are mere peddlers compared to Islam. People forget that the Islamic conquests began 400 years before the Crusades, which were largely a response to Islamic aggression.
Beginning in the year 1000 and lasting for another 500 years, Islam attempted to depopulate India. They did a remarkably good job of it, as the overall population of the Indian subcontinent (despite very high birthrates) dropped by an estimated 80 million in that period.
Don’t forget that Islam has always been a leader in the trafficking of humans – from the slave trade to present-day prostitution – Muslims have excelled in the sale of their fellows.
Just under 30 million slaves from Africa were held in the Middle East and considering the death rate of slaves in transport (an estimated 80%!) Arab Muslim traders would’ve needed more than a 100 million to have provided the number of slaves we know survived.
While Christianity is forever maligned for forced conversions and bad behavior in Africa, in truth, Muslims performed these atrocities on a scale many orders of magnitude greater, and continued to do so for more than a thousand years.
Of course, we shan’t forget the Islamic slaughter in Sudan, the methodical murder and sexual slavery ongoing in Nigeria or the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians by Muslim Turks at the turn of the 20th century.
When Mohammed began his spread of Islam, most of North Africa and all of Europe was Christian. Where are they now? According to the Catholic Education Resource Center, there are no remaining communities of Christians that can trace their roots back to antiquity. Over the span of centuries, this number adds up to millions more dead, at the hands of Islam.
According to Mr. Konrad,
“Possibly one-third to one-half or more of all those killed by war or slavery in history can be traced to Islam.”
The totals boggle the mind. By a conservative estimate, Islam is directly responsible for a quarter of a BILLION dead. Indirectly, hundreds of millions more.
To quote Mr. Konrad,
“Unlike the 20th-century totalitarians whose killing fury consumed themselves, reducing their longevity, Islam paces itself. In the end, though slower, Islam has killed and tortured far more than any other creed – religious or secular. Unlike secular tyranny, Islam, by virtue of its polygamy and sexual predation, reproduces itself and increases.”
Other tyrannies are furious infections, which burn hot, but are soon overcome. Islam is a slow terminal cancer, which metastasizes, and takes over. It never retreats. Its methods are more insidious, often imperceptible at first, driven by demographics. Like cancer, excision may be the only cure.
Mohammed is the “perfect man” of Islam, and as such is the role model for every Muslim. Looking at the horrors perpetrated by Mohammed, it becomes crystal clear that the more devout the Muslim, the more depraved and regressive their behavior.
There is no justification, no moral equivalence to be drawn between the behavior of Christians a thousand years ago, and the behavior of Muslims today. The more salient point is that while the predation of Christianity died away, the worst of Islamic practices are on the rise.
So Mr. President, please focus your attention toward a real problem – Islamic supremacism – the rest of us have the Crusades and the Inquisition under control.
Because of Muhammad’s example, Muslims have justifiably wiped out 270 million non-Muslims in their endeavors to establish the world Islamic government their prophet viciously commands.
ISIS is more than an Ottoman army reborn; it is the last attempt at bringing about the apocalyptic rule written in the Quran, which, like all communistic regimes, comes at the price of millions of innocent lives. In fact, it’s as if ISIS’s every decision is made by carefully consulting the Quran and Hadith beforehand, cautiously avoiding straying from the path of Islam. Never before has Islam been so successful in jihad than to force Western nations to bow to Sharia law, and that has been and is the goal of Islam’s political ideology since the time of Muhammad. If the greatest Christian nation on earth cannot even call it by name, there is little chance of preventing it from infiltrating our homeland.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
I have to move house. I calculate this will take me a minimum of a month. Please check back with this blog around the 7th of March.
To Fight Jihad or Not to Fight
Stories about King Abdullah were all over the internet the last two days. His majesty did not, it appears, lead the bombing of Isis in retaliation for burning a downed Jordanian pilot alive, but he did send the bombers, execute Isis prisoners and take some clear action against the grisly Middle East bullies.
People respect courage, no matter what their religion is.
In stark contrast some of the papers also carried shivering little articles of concern about how Isis would react to the Jordanian audacity of actually standing up to them. Judging from the Kurdish approach it can work pretty darn least a whole lot better than appeasing people who enjoy decapitation and human barbecues.
There is no such thing as a diplomatic solution to jihad. You either fight them with all your might or they get you.
Wake up O Zion!!!!
People respect courage, no matter what their religion is.
In stark contrast some of the papers also carried shivering little articles of concern about how Isis would react to the Jordanian audacity of actually standing up to them. Judging from the Kurdish approach it can work pretty darn least a whole lot better than appeasing people who enjoy decapitation and human barbecues.
There is no such thing as a diplomatic solution to jihad. You either fight them with all your might or they get you.
Wake up O Zion!!!!
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS
The former fighter pilot monarch remains kind of a badass, though.
posted on Feb. 6, 2015, at 5:46 a.m.
Claudia Koerner
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Jordan’s King Abdullah announced he was cutting short a visit to the U.S. following the brutal death of a Jordanian pilot burned to death by Isis.
The images spread on social media…
…and prompted some meme-based political commentary.
It made a great story, but it wasn’t true, the Jordanian government said. Airstrikes did hit targets in Syria, but the king was not in the pilot’s seat.
Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh told
CNN Thursday the rumors of the king personally launching airstrikes on
ISIS targets were “creative,” but untrue.
Actually, the king was involved in some more conventional leadership. He met with officials and security leaders.
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