Saturday, August 22, 2015

Planned Parenthood and the Aztecs

Thursday, August 20, 2015
Bryan Fischer - Guest Columnist
Bryan FischerIf there ever was a contemporary organization birthed in the nether regions of hell itself, Planned Parenthood is it.

[WARNING: Graphic Content]

Hernan Cortez was the Spanish conquistador who conquered Mexico and claimed it for Spain in 1521. He defeated Montezuma and the Aztecs at present-day Mexico City with the help of virtually every other native tribe and nation in the region, all of whom wanted out from under Aztec tyranny.
Why were the native tribes so eager to join forces with the Spanish? Because the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice, and those tribes were the sacrificial victims.

For human cruelty, barbarity, savagery and utter inhumanity, the Aztecs had nothing on the modern priests of paganism who engage in human sacrifice 327,000 times a year in Planned Parenthood clinics, each one a virtual pagan temple.

As Cortez's men made their way from the coast – after burning their ships – to Mexico City, they came across buildings filled from floor to ceiling with 100,000 skulls, each one a victim of Aztec cruelty. They found other structures, prisons actually, filled to bursting with victims of Aztec conquest, waiting their turn.
The kind of human sacrifice practiced by the Aztecs involved the use of large stones, boulders really, against which the victims would be placed. The victims would be forced to lean back against the stone, causing their chests to protrude to make it easier for the pagan priests to slice open their chests, reach in, yank out a still beating heart and eat it.
The hair of the priests were matted with blood, and the walls of temples themselves were soaked inside and out with human blood, as if they had been streaked and splattered with red paint.
Why are hardcore abortion supporters still ignoring the graphic evidence after seven CMP videos?
When Cortez and his men, at one point, were temporarily forced to flee Mexico City because the Aztecs regained control, they had to watch from a nearby hillside as Montezuma's priests sacrificed their own captured comrades at the highest point in the city.
This week's release of the latest undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), exposing the hideous barbarism of Planned Parenthood, shows that the pagan rituals of the Aztecs have returned from the bowels of Hades with a vengeance.
This week's video reveals the gruesome reality that babies are born alive in Planned Parenthood abortuaries, and then laid on tables with their tiny little hearts still visibly beating in their chests. The abortionist then takes a pair scissors and cuts the face of the baby in two so that its brain can be extracted, a procedure that starts while the baby is still alive.
Leading stem-cell researchers believe that the evidence uncovered by CMP indicates that Planned Parenthood, in order to send fresh specimens to researchers, keeps some babies alive right up until the moment their hearts are cut out of their bodies. This is because a heart is only good for research if it can be prepped for shipping within five minutes of death.
Cutting brains and hearts out of living babies is as ghoulish, demonic, and horrific as anything done by the benighted pagan tribes of the 16th century. If there ever was a contemporary organization birthed in the nether regions of hell itself, Planned Parenthood is it.
For human cruelty, barbarity, savagery and utter inhumanity, the Aztecs had nothing on the modern priests of paganism who engage in human sacrifice 327,000 times a year in Planned Parenthood clinics, each one a virtual pagan temple.
It is long past time to immediately and completely defund Planned Parenthood, and then investigate it, prosecute it, and put it out of our nation's misery.

Bryan Fischer hosts "Focal Point with Bryan Fischer" every weekday on AFR Talk (American Family Radio) from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. (Central).
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Call to Preparation by Jonathan Cahn/August 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015

Apocalpytic Iran Heat Wave Nearly Breaks World Record

Iranians experiencing some of the hottest temperatures 'ever endured by humankind,' as heat index hits 164 degrees (73 C).
First Publish: 8/3/2015, 8:17 AM

On the same weekend in which it threatened to "annihilate" Israel following the nuclear deal it struck with global powers, Iran experienced a mind-boggling 164 degrees (73 Celsius) heat index reading last Friday, in what some might see as a warning by the Almighty Himself that all options are on the table.
The heat index, also know as the "feels-like" temperature, combines air temperature and humidity to give an accurate reading as to how the human body perceives the relative temperature.
As Iran entered the current heat wave breaking on the Middle East last Thursday, temperatures at the Manshahr Airport in southwest Iran's Bandar Mahshahr, home to over 100,000 people, hit 109 degrees (43 Celsius) with a dewpoint of 90 degrees (32 Celsius). Those figures compute out to an incredible 159 degrees (70 Celsius).
But it got even hotter on Friday, with the Weather Channel reporting that the same site reached 114.8 degrees (46 Celsius) and a dew point of 89.6 degrees (32 Celsius), yielding an inhuman 164 degrees (73 Celsius).
Meteorological experts said Iran is experiencing some of the hottest temperatures "ever endured by humankind."
"That was one of the most incredible temperature observations I have ever seen, and it is one of the most extreme readings ever in the world," AccuWeather meteorologist Anthony Saglia told The Telegraph.
​Iran's heat index last Friday nearly broke a world record, coming within a few degrees of the 2003 heat index record in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, which was a suffocating 178 degrees (81 Celsius).
Putting aside the heat index, the highest recorded temperature in all of Asia was actually experienced in Israel's Tirat Tzvi back on June 21, 1942, during the days of the Holocaust, when the temperature hit 129 degrees (54 Celsius). However, the Weather Channel casts doubt on the accuracy of that record, and lists Kuwait's scorching 128.5 degrees (53.6 Celsius) in 2012 as the record.
Kuwait nearly matched that record again last Thursday, when it hit 127 degrees (52.8 Celsius) in Mitribah.
The rising temperatures are part of a regional "heat dome," a type of high pressure ridge that is causing soaring temperatures and is expected to last several days.
Iraq has also been coming in for a pounding, and on Sunday it was expected to hit over 120 degrees (49 Celsius) for the eight day in a row.
Iraq's government last Thursday took the desperate measure of instituting a four-day holiday so that citizens can take shelter at home and stay out of the sizzling sun.
Baghdad on Saturday hit its four consecutive day over 120 degrees, and has been over 100 degrees (37.8 Celsius) every day since all the way back to May 30.
Temperatures in Israel are ranging between 90 degrees (32 Celsius) in the country's center, to 114 (46C) in Eilat and 113 (45C) near the Sea of Galilee.

Friday, July 31, 2015

I am tired.  The heat, the hatred, the insanity has gotten to me.

I'm tired of this stupid world that loves perverts, baby murderers, mass rapists and anything foul that defies the only good, true, righteous loving God and tramples His laws.

I'm tired of wicked laws calling good evil and evil good.  I'm tired of all the left wing news twisting peoples minds with a steady diet of propaganda.  And I'm tired of the passive public that swallows it down and spits it back out without thinking.

I am tired of demonic hypocrisy in the world's leaders.

I am going to stay away from the news and all the Jew/Israel bashing and the foaming and the frothing bubbling up from hell itself right now.  There is not one word or rock being thrown from a clean hand.

I've got a God who is good.  I'm going to listen to His news, be refreshed by His truth and appreciate Him more than ever.

Op-Ed: The Islamic World Sees that Violence Works Against Jews

The Beit El destruction did not occur in a vacuum. The Islamic world is watching.

Beit El's latest disaster follows Gush Katif, Sa-Nur, Amona, Beit Hashalom, Migron, the hilltop destructions and more. 
The same script everywhere: the same policemen attacking other Jews, the same Defense Ministry calling for "restraint", the same PM then ordering permits to build more units, the same leftist and arrogant MKs dribbling for an intra-Jewish war, the same High Court siding with Muslim lies

A Jewish State should not demolish Jewish houses in the place named for where Jacob had the vision of the ladder.
And the same terrible mistakes. A Jewish State should not demolish Jewish houses in the place named for where Jacob had the vision of the ladder. A Jewish army should not be used to deport the most brave Jews. A Jewish Supreme Court should not abandon its most idealistic citizens.
We should have seen a massive protest in Beit El and IDF soldiers refusing to obey orders but forming a chain to protect those buildings. 
These days, one year after the war in Gaza and a horrible nuclear deal with Iran, it seems that Israeli MK's, Mossad officials, Israeli journalists and writers, the Shin Bet and the IDF commanders are more interested in destroying two buildings in Beit El than in stopping the Iranian nuclear facilities. How brave they are to use force against the Jews and not against those who throw stones at pregnant Jewish drivers. 
But more generally, what we saw in Beit El sent a very clear subliminal message to the Islamic world. When the Arab Muslims see another Jewish capitulation in Beit El, they have great reasons to doubt the entire Zionist project. 
Let's only hope the Jewish people next time will refuse to be subjugated to lies and hate. And the biggest lie is the idea of having stolen the land from the Arabs. Every inch of that land is not part of the Islamic umma, it is Eretz Israel. Period. 
Meanwhile, a tragic event happened last night and a Palestinian Arab toddler died after arsonists set his house ablaze. The world, the entire political spectrum and the media immediately condemned the terrible attack. A month ago, Malachi Rosenfeld, a young Jew returning from a basketball game, was murdered by Hamas in the same area. About his killing, there was only silence - or understanding. Another reason the Islamic world sees that violence works against Jews. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Op-Ed: Straight Talk: The World has just Abandoned Israel and the Jews

The Iranian threat to expunge Israel is not a joke to be treated with indulgence.

The Palais Coburg, the luxurious hotel in Vienna where the West signed the agreement on the nuclear issue of Iran, is located in a particular square. It is named after Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism.
History has a more developed sense of irony than the Western leaders who capitulated to Tehran. Because a nuclearized Iran would mean the end of Zionism.
We don’t know if Iran will actually manufacture the Islamic nuclear bomb. We don’t know if Israel will use its military power to stop it. But we certainly know that the world has just abandoned the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
The US abandoned it. The US, which didn’t rescue the Jews during the Holocaust and didn’t help the Jews defend themselves during the 1948 war of survival and independence when they were attacked by five Arab armies. Barack Obama showed his real face by preferring Islam to Israel and Western civilization.
The UK abandoned it. The UK, which used the “White Paper” during the Second World War to prevent the Jews from reaching Tel Aviv and saving themselves from the gas chambers.
The European Union abandoned it. The same Europe on whose soil Hitler planned the extermination of one third of the world’s Jewry.
The Western conscience abandoned it.

In their hearts they think that Israel is a burden...
The State of Israel, this Western enclave stuck in the Islamic umma, 900 kilometers of borders without natural protection, has always needed international solidarity. It can not exist, except as a Masada, without the affection of Western civil society.
Now we neither see nor hear in the newspapers and on television voices in favor of Israel, empathy for its anxieties and understanding of its reasoning. Very few are openly saying that Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself and that the Iranian threat to expunge it from the family of nations is not a joke to be welcomed with indulgence or indifference.
That has always been the beauty of the testimony in favor of Israel’s right to exist, that it cannot be characterized by instrumentality or the spirit of partisanship and political advantage. Israel was “a non-partisan issue”. But it is not any more.
Today it seems that for many journalists, men of letters and Western politicians, commentators in newspapers and on television, it is much more comfortable to stay in perfect harmony with the emotions and the reasoning of international public opinion, which gloats in satisfaction before this horrible deal. To praise the appeasement of Iran’s Islamic Revolution and to forget Israel.
Europe and America signed this deal to follow their cynical economic interests. Europe wanted to open the Iranian market. The world is interested in money, not in Israel. I will go even farther: in their hearts they think that Israel is a burden and that the Middle East would be much more peaceful without a Jewish State.
The Iranians and the Islamic world will do everything in their power to destroy the Jewish State, and after Vienna they know that many nations will not shed a tear if Israel disappears.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

History Repeats Itself With Iran’s Nuclear Deal

In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave his famous “Peace In Our Time” speech, jubilantly waving a signed promise from Adolf Hitler not to invade Poland. Just a few months later, WWII began with Germany’s invasion of Poland.

In 1994, US President Bill Clinton bragged that paperwork had been signed guaranteeing that North Korea would not obtain nuclear weapons. Within just a few short years, North Korea became a nuclear power.

In 2015, US President Barack Obama gushed to the press that a deal had just been signed preventing the terror-state of Iran from obtaining the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. With history as a guide, Obama’s deal is a guarantee that Iran will go nuclear sooner rather than later.