Friday, July 31, 2015

I am tired.  The heat, the hatred, the insanity has gotten to me.

I'm tired of this stupid world that loves perverts, baby murderers, mass rapists and anything foul that defies the only good, true, righteous loving God and tramples His laws.

I'm tired of wicked laws calling good evil and evil good.  I'm tired of all the left wing news twisting peoples minds with a steady diet of propaganda.  And I'm tired of the passive public that swallows it down and spits it back out without thinking.

I am tired of demonic hypocrisy in the world's leaders.

I am going to stay away from the news and all the Jew/Israel bashing and the foaming and the frothing bubbling up from hell itself right now.  There is not one word or rock being thrown from a clean hand.

I've got a God who is good.  I'm going to listen to His news, be refreshed by His truth and appreciate Him more than ever.

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