The suicidal, free fall of this world is gaining momentum. Odd how many angry people are demanding, and fighting tooth and nail, bomb and knife to promote their right to destroy everything that is good, decent and alive.
With all the freedom given to baby killers, aka abortionist, world wide for many years, the admission this week by planned parenthood that they are selling intact fetal body parts for $30 to $100 dollars per specimen and the report that an Isis training camp this week had new recruits strap a bomb to an orphaned baby and blow it up is just par for the course.
Not content with killing babies, the enlightened are now pursuing their twisted path into the joys of sodomizing each other and the kids that are left. They are spewing hate which will result in unimaginable violence on the people who actually think they should have the freedom to have sex with the opposite sex; forming life time unions with one other person and raising children in a family unit where they are protected from perversion. How depraved and horrible they howl, gnashing their teeth. What they really hate is the God who created man and woman and ordained marriage between male and female couples as good, for the purpose of procreation. The God who declares every other kind of sex and perversion is evil.
The Muslims and the homosexuals have one major thing in common. They all HATE the true God. I heard this week that the name "Boko Haram" which the liberal media have told the world means "against western education", actually means, "Forbidden Book". Plainly put, the war Boko Haram is waging is not a war on western education but a war on those who read and believe the forbidden book, the Bible."
Well did God say that they will call good evil and evil good. Truly did he fore tell in the last days that many would be beheaded for the witness of Christ. This is the last days, and we Christians are not a pampered, blessed elite with a God who gives us every monetary blessing and then raptures us out of the world before there is any trouble. The trouble is here and we are called to lay down our lives and our heads for the one who laid down His life for us.
Now the US under the leadership of Obama has made the historic mistake that spells it's utter destruction. Without blinking an eye or uttering a remonstrance the longtime 'friend of Israel' has ignored Iran's declared goal of destroying Israel and led a stampede of concessions that will absolutely assist that country to become a nuclear power. I suspect it has not been done in spite of their avowals to destroy Israel, but because of it. They hate everything of God.
I, however, read and believe the Bible. The Bible says that in the last days there will be an evil super power that will fill the world with sexual filth and fornication and it will greatly persecute the people of God. That nation will be utterly destroyed by a confederation of nations led by Iran.
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