Monday, January 19, 2015

Wrong is Wrong

If God says something is wrong it is wrong.   He said multiple times in His word that it is wrong for his chosen people, the Israelites, to mistreat strangers in their land.

It is astonishing and sickening to read the comments to articles like the one I posted below.   There is a popular wave of hatred being nurtured against these refugees by Israelis.  Without even bothering to deny that what they are doing is wrong, most of the comments simply dehumanize these people and  justify  the cruelty   Any defender of these poor humans is immediately shouted down as, "Leftist, anti Israel etc."

Satan must be sitting back and roaring with laughter.....because the God of Israel will judge His chosen people for this, and judge them harshly. 

This is wrong. I don't care how you idiots justify it, your God doesn't agree. 

(For the record, the Eritreans and Sudanese  are refugees.)


noun \ˌre-fy-ˈjē, ˈre-fy-ˌ\
: someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or political reasons

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