Saturday, May 30, 2015

When Did You Know?

I’ve known the world was on the brink for some time, but this became crystal clear when I saw a girl with a selfie stick in a village in Romania, a village which coincidentally had no running water or connection to the power grid.

Something about that seemed so vulgar and out of place to me, that I realized it isn’t just one geographical location that is sick. The world is sick and getting sicker by the day.

A generation of vapid hedonists is soon to enter adulthood, and the repercussions of their inability to deal with the real world, the world where people do go hungry, and people do get fired, and people do get evicted, and updating your Facebook wall isn’t considered work, will be something to behold indeed.

When you raise an entire generation on a consistent diet of stupid for eighteen years, it’s no surprise that stupid is what they will end up being as they photobomb their way into adulthood.

In this upside down world we’ve created for ourselves, the cure for what ails us as a species is seen as a hindrance to said species’ utopian dream, and so even those who claim to serve Him distance themselves from His teachings, His precepts, and His words.

Set adrift on an ocean of our own self-importance we will no longer bend the knee, we will no longer plead for mercy, we will no longer follow, we will no longer obey. As such the likelihood of a positive outcome is less than zero, as is the likelihood of a redress, or return to the straight path.

I don’t know why but I’ve become more introspective and reflective of late, and everything I see tells me this world is not long for itself. Something astounding and of a breadth and scale heretofore unseen is set to descend upon a largely unsuspecting world, and deservedly so.

Though we might not see it with the naked eye, there is a running ticker. Someone is keeping track, and eventually the bill will come due.

We know to the very marrow of us that judgment is a foregone conclusion, and some of the most loving, kindhearted, humble and merciful people I know have started to pray for it. Forgiveness without repentance will never be, and as such the only real reason to pray for an extension of grace and a putting off of judgment is that handful of souls we may reach if we continue to be diligent and be about our Father’s business.

The hearts of men are growing colder and harder day by day, and to reach a soul nowadays and truly see a life change which extends beyond the initial hand waving at a crusade is a miracle on par with seeing the lame walk or the blind see.

While the church is busy doing other things like building denominational brands, and making sure their leaders are cool enough to attract the youth they don’t seem to be attracting even with their coolness, the one reason God has for delaying judgment is not being carried out.

If you’ve ever wondered what happens when the salt loses its flavor, the current state of the world and where it is inevitably headed is pretty much it. The state of the world is a direct result of the failure of the church, and the failure to carry out its most sacred mission.

The household of faith should be the rudder, it should be the compass, it should be that one unshakeable presence that charts the course and follows through, and by its very nature be a living embodiment of what it means to be saved. Instead the church is what it is, its ambassadors are what they are, and all told it’s no wonder the godless are having a field day mocking and ridiculing and merrily pointing at our inconsistencies.

We have men in positions of power and authority discovered to have done such obscene things that the ‘no one is perfect’ cliché is no longer applicable. When individuals who identify themselves as ambassadors of the Kingdom and leaders of men are found to have been practicing sins much of those in the world don’t even practice, it’s time to call it what it is, and stop hiding under the ‘we’re all sinners’ mantra.

The point of being washed and made clean in the blood of Christ is to go and sin no more, not to go back and rut in the mud from which we were extracted, cleansed, and purified.

But who wants to hear of such things nowadays?

It would be much easier for me to tell you to love yourself, spout some drivel as to how your inward thought determines your outer journey, and tell you how God’s end game since before the beginning of creation was your prosperity, but I still have a conscience, I’m still accountable to God, and I still love you enough to tell you the truth.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

I read in the news yesterday that the US has quietly passed a law that all water in the United States belongs to the government.  So, that stream running thorough your property, that cow pond, that private well, even the birdbath in your back yard are all property of the US government now.  One stroke of the pen and it isn't yours anymore.   How much longer do you think it will be before there will be another stroke of the pen and  land, homes and  businesses will no longer be privately owned in the United States?

Actually the law that allows the government to take any property that they 'think' might be used for drug trafficking without proof or due process of any kind of law is already being used to strip thousands of perfectly innocent people of their homes, cars, property and bank accounts.

Another law that was quietly passed is one that declares people can  be refused exit from any airport or border in the United States and their passports confiscated  if they are 'suspected' of owing tax.

Legally the United States government can now apprehended  any American citizen at anytime, any where and detain them  indefinitely with no charges and not legal rights whatsoever.

I also read in the news this week that a U.S.Marine has been court marshaled  for the crime of having a Bible verse on her computer.

This month the supreme court of the United States is deciding if gay right are a constitutional right.  If they decide that they are, than it is unconstitutional to  deny them any rights.  All churches must marry gays and no one is allowed to deny them anything.

I have read that every year that Obama has been  in office 100,000 muslims are brought into America and resettled all over the country.

Every year 100,000 Christians are killed across the world for their faith.

I wonder what America will be like in one, two, or three years.  Will she be like Syria is now?  Or will she be more like North Korea?

And I am amazed at the silence of most of the American Christians.   It is as though they are paralysed by hypnosis or drugs, and sitting in quiet docility as coil after slimy coil is thrown around them, all the while chanting, "Nothing is happening, nothing is happening."

What are they thinking?  Can they still think?

A loving God speaks to them with wise counsel and says repeatedly, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities."

"Flee from the midst of Babylon, and every one save his life!  Do not be cut off in her iniquity, for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance;" Jer. 51:6

"Up, up!  Flee from the land of the north," says the Lord; "for I have spread you abroad like the four winds of heaven," says the Lord.  "Up Zion!  Escape, you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon." Zecheriah 2:6-7

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Drill Next Week Will Simulate Total War

Israelis will practice bomb shelter routine on Tuesday, in drill simulating massive missile fire on population centers, infrastructures.
First Publish: 5/28/2015, 6:45 PM

Chemical attack drill (file)
Turning Point 15, the national preparedness exercise, will be held next week from Sunday to Thursday. This will be the eighth time the annual drill is being held.
The drill will reach its peak next Tuesday, June 2. At 11:05 a.m. and 7:05 p.m. that day, sirens will be sounded nationwide and citizens in every city and town – except the Gaza Belt area – will rehearse going into protected spaces and shelters.
People who are in an open area will be expected to lie down and cover their heads. Normal routine will commence again after 10 minutes.
Large events will not be interrupted, nor will public transportation. It is not clear what the Home Font Command expects people who are driving in private cars to do, but this will presumably be cleared up when the IDF issues a formal announcement to Israel's citizens about the drill.
Turning Point 15 will rehearse all-out war in which an enemy – Iranian proxy Hezbollah, Gaza's Hamas, Iran or a combination of these – hits population centers throughout Israel with massive rocket barrages.
The Homefront Command, Israel Police, Magen David Adom, Fire and Rescue Services, government and local government offices will all take part in the drill, which will mostly simulate an attack involving conventional rockets.
The drill will also simulate damage to vital infrastructures, cyber attacks, a collapse of electrical grids and communication networks, hazardous material leaks and more.
There are predictions of hundreds, or perhaps thousands, or deaths in an all out missile attack on Israel by its enemies. Hezbollah alone is reported to have about 100,000 missiles aimed at Israel.
Should this scenario unfold, an Israeli counterstrike on Lebanon could send the country “back to the Stone Age,” according to Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud).

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fundamentally Freund: This is the Middle East, not Star Trek

The European Union may be wallowing in debt, with Greece on the verge of default, even as the continent grapples with its worst migrant crisis in decades. But none of this has stopped Europe’s leaders from devoting precious time and energy to one of their favorite pastimes: seeking out new ways to bully Israel. Indeed, all signs indicate that this week’s torrid temperatures will pale in comparison to the diplomatic heat the EU has planned for us this summer.

In a meeting last Wednesday, Norwegian Foreign Minister Boerge Brende reportedly warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that international pressure on the Jewish state will recommence once the West signs a nuclear deal with Iran at the end of next month.

That same day, the French newspaper Le Figaro published the text of a draft UN resolution that Paris plans to submit to the Security Council which would call for the immediate renewal of talks between Israel and the Palestinians while imposing an 18-month deadline for reaching a permanent agreement. Failure to finalize a deal, the paper reported, would result in France recognizing a Palestinian state.

It is truly difficult to comprehend the fixation bordering on obsession that seems to drive European diplomacy visà- vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Despite more than two decades of Palestinian obstructionism and obfuscation, violence and terrorism, the EU appears intent on rewarding Ramallah with statehood. They wish to ignore the past 48 years, overlook Israel’s justified war of self-defense in 1967, and disregard its historical, biblical, moral and security rights to settle and develop Judea and Samaria.

Indeed, what Europe is effectively trying to do is to turn back the clock, flip over the hourglass, and pretend that none of it ever happened. They want to compel Israel to pull back to the pre-1967 armistice lines, expel hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes, and create a hostile Palestinian entity straddling the center of the country.

While time travel makes for nice science fiction, it cannot be the basis for policymaking. However much France and others might wish to undo what was done and go back in time, that is the stuff of fantasy, not reality. Israel cannot go back to 1967 any more than it can go back to 586 BCE before the Babylonians invaded and destroyed the First Temple.

Times have changed, the Middle East has undergone vast transformations, and the Jewish state should not have to pay the price for the bad decisions that the Palestinian and Arab leadership have made over the past several decades.

A “state of Palestine” doesn’t exist thanks to the Palestinians’ stellar record of having missed every possible opportunity to establish it, and not because Israel didn’t try repeatedly to make enormous concessions. Now, it is simply too late, as any realistic observer of the region can see. Decades of Palestinian stabbings, shootings, suicide bombings and rocket attacks have cured the Israeli public of any illusions it might have had about the Palestinian desire for peace.

Even prime ministerial candidate Isaac Herzog of the left-wing Zionist Union acknowledged this when he said earlier this year that, “I’m not sure that we have a partner for peace. I am not sure there is a party on the other side that is interested in peace.”

Moreover, the Jewish population of eastern Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, has soared to well over 600,000 strong, or 10 percent of the country’s Jews. No power on earth will ever move them.

Nonetheless, the EU continues to dabble in the world of make-believe, seeking to impose a 1967 solution on a 2015 problem.

In truth, it would appear that Europe’s policymakers have perhaps been overly influenced by Star Trek, the American television show from the late 1960s that became a cult phenomenon.

In particular, they seem to be trying to bring to life the plot line from episode 19 of Star Trek’s first season, which originally aired on January 26, 1967 and was entitled “Tomorrow is Yesterday.”

In the episode, a high-gravity black star slings the starship USS Enterprise, captained by James T. Kirk, back in time to Earth in the 1960s, where it is spotted by American military radar. Unsure of where they are, Kirk’s crew tunes in to a radio frequency, where they hear a reporter discussing the upcoming first manned mission to the Moon.

“Manned moon-shot! That was in the late 1960s,” Kirk muses.

“Apparently, Captain, so are we,” responds Mr. Spock, the ship’s first officer, adding that “whiplash propelled us into a time warp, Captain, backward.”

Much of the rest of the episode is spent trying to clean up the many complications that arise from interfering with the past. It makes for some good television, but its relevance to peacemaking is nil.

Tomorrow is not yesterday, and time warps do not exist, as Captain Kirk and his crew learned the hard way.

When will Europe finally realize this too?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Op-Ed: A Genocide of Christians is Underway - and the West Sleeps

A new document attests to the genocide that is being ignored by the world.

Every year, more than 100,000 Christians are murdered just because of their faith. This means that 11 Christians are murdered every hour. The numbers are contained in a new document presented by John McAreavey, president of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Bishops of Dublin. A genocide of Christians is under way.
In many Middle Eastern cities, from Aleppo to Mosul, the Islamists have dealt with each and every Christian by displacing, killing or forcibly converting them, and just like the Nazis painted the Star of David on the Jewish homes, the jihadists have painted the “N” letter on Christian houses to identify them before destroying them.
The churches have been demolished, the crosses burned and replaced with flags of the Islamic State, entire communities have been displaced, children and women massacred.  Everything has been done in plain sight. The Islamists proclaim that they will not stop until Christianity is wiped off the face of the earth.
These Christians are killed just because they didn’t agree to convert. How many in the West would have done the same? In the video of the recent massacre of Coptic Christians in Libya, it has been noted that many of them, before being beheaded, invoked the name of Jesus in Arabic and chanted prayers.
“Aleppo will be left without Christians within one month”, the Chaldean bishop of the Syrian city, Antoine Audo, has announced. He accused not only the Islamic State, but also “the countries of the region with their Wahhabi Islam and anxiety of historical revenge toward Christianity”.
More than 5,000 Catholics have been killed since 2009 by Boko Haram in the diocese of Maiduguri in northern Nigeria. In total, more than 13,000 Christians were killed by these terrorists. 100,000 Catholics expelled from their homes, 350 churches destroyed, many more than once, after they had been rebuilt.
But you don’t need to go to Mosul to see the crosses removed by bulldozers. Just take a train to Rennes, in France, because according to a court, the statue to Pope John Paul is “too ostentatious” in the square of Ploermel and must be removed.
Or take a train to Luxembourg, the “happy country” where the MP Xavier Bettel has just become the first gay prime minister to marry his partner.
In Belgium, religion will disappear completely from schools and will be replaced by courses in “ethics” and “secular values”. Behind the happy face of this small and rich nation of castles, picturesque forests and towers lies a kind of hypnotic nihilism.
The problem is not the Islamic fanatics who burn the churches and kill the pastors. The problem is that the apathetic, indolent West is letting them to do so because it has ceased to believe in itself.

New York’s One World Building Is An End Times Illuminati Masterpiece

| May 21, 2015 | 39 Comments

1776 is the year that America declared their independence, but it is also the year that the Illuminati was founded, and the Illuminati came first.

“For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” Revelation 17:17 (KJV)
How well I remember the crystal-clear, cornflower blue sky on the morning of September 11, 2001. It was a perfect day, until the towers fell at the hand of Muslim terrorists. Out of the rubble, slowly arose a defiant new structure called the Freedom Tower, and it was being built to stand at exactly 1,176 feet from stem to stern. Patriots cheered and America got back to business. Then, very quietly, things started to change. Freedom Tower was out. The new name became the One World building.
What do I see when I look at the new logo? I see “One World”…”forever” as a message from the New World Order.
On March 27, 2009 NBC News reported that “the agency that owns the site says that the signature 1,776-foot skyscraper replacing the towers destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001, will be known as One World Trade Center. The change came after board members voted to sign a 21-year lease deal with Vantone, a Chinese real estate giant, which will become the first commercial tenant at Ground Zero. The negotiations with Vantone, which is closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist government, had nothing to do with the name change
And just so you have it straight in your head, the new name of the building was not changed to “1 World Trade Center”, it was changed to “One World, trade center”. Because that’s how it appears in all the splashy new logos and graphics in their advertisements. It is the One World building, that also happens to be a trade center. But that’s just a name, you say, right? Let’s take a look at what’s under the flashy new facade.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is secretly planning to deploy military-grade technology at One World

In February of 2012, it was reported that the high-tech system of thousands of “intelligent” cameras and computer processors can recognize people’s faces and retinas and then compare that information with databases such as terrorist watch lists, sources said.

One World Trade Center – A Stamp Of The Illuminati

Security measures at the 16-acre include the sensitive cameras alongside infrared and heat sensors that can be outfitted with explosive and radiation detectors.
And agency brass also are authorizing “artificial intelligence” computers that constantly track the behavior of people on the ground — figuring out how to spot “unusual movements” that can be flagged for security personnel.
For example, cops could be dispatched if the computers detected someone deviating from the normal walkways or walking against the flow of pedestrians; jumping around or making erratic movements; or dropping a bag where people do not usually leave their luggage.
“What we’re doing at the One World building has never been done before,” one agency official said.
The agency’s system will be connected to the NYPD’s Lower Manhattan Security Initiative, which has cameras and scanners spread around downtown. The Defense Department contractor Behavioral Recognition Systems, based in Houston, will set up most of the system, which is expected to cost tens of millions of dollars.
In other words, the new One World building is meant to be the hub point through which the entire city of Manhattan will be wired for around the clock, hyper-invasive surveillance.

Muslim minarets adorn the top of the new One World building

When Muslims claim victory in a military conquest, they do two things. They build a mosque on or near the site of the battle, and then they raise up a minaret as high as it will go to show the world that that land has been claimed as an Islamic victory. The image on the left is the tower on top of the One World building, and the image on the right a minaret on an Islamic mosque. So what exactly would be the difference between these two structures? I am hard-pressed to discern between the two. They attempted to also build a huge mega-mosque right near the Ground Zero site as well, but were defeated by the efforts of our friend Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs. But, as you can see, raising the minarets was completely successful.

The Illuminati was founded in 1776, nine weeks before that of America

1776 is the year that America declared their independence, but it is also the year that the Illuminati was founded as well. In fact, the Illuminati’s creation on May 1st predates America’s founding by nearly 9 weeks. If they would have kept the original name of Freedom Tower, as it was supposed to be called, then that would be a great and patriotic match to the year 1776. But with the name change to the One World building, I have to believe that 1776 is indeed a reference to the founding of the Illuminati.
Just as the New World Order decided to put the headquarters of the Luciferian organization known as the United Nations in New York City, they have also decided to put the central command center for the coming One Word Government in New York City as well. The One World building, which could aptly be called America’s Pyramid, is a collection of Illuminati triangles from any angle you look at it from, including from an aerial view at the very top.
And lastly, however you choose to believe that the Twin Towers were brought down, one thing is for certain. What arose from the rubble in the aftermath was a scary new world that is on 24 x 7 digital lockdown, with never-ending global wars, and open terrorist attacks in every major city in America. Police departments are all being militarized with battlefield tanks, and the uniform of the average policeman looks like a cyborg from a video game. Government-funded race riots break out every few months, attempting to provoke a new civil war.
A lot more than people died on 9-11, freedom died that day as well, as the Patriot Act, the Utah Data Center, and the Department of Homeland Security will attest to.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blogs Zion's Corner

FORWARD to Extinction

5/8/2015, 8:05 PM
Jay Michaelson, contributing editor to the FORWARD, holds a position of unlearned, unwarranted, and undeserved influence.  Although he writes for a Jewish newspaper, he fails to inform his readers that Islam is the enemy of Israel, the Jewish people and, in fact, all of America, and makes judgments that work against their survival  He would benefit by first reviewing facts: By unanimous vote in 1922, the League of Nations set a precedent at the San Remo Conference that cannot be overturned or ignored.  After World War I and the division of the Ottoman Empire, the League legally gave Israel and surrounding Palestinian territory to the then-14 million Jews living there and in the Diaspora.  Palestine was declared the Jews "reconstituted homeland" on April 24, 1920.  The Jews were always referred to as Palestinians during the British Mandate, before which there were never a Palestinian people or a Palestinian country.
International law was confirmed by the British Mandate, the San Remo Peace Conference and the League of Nations.  Two years later, in 1922, the League of Nations of 51 countries unanimously ratified the British Mandate.  This official documentation stands recognized as legitimate international law today and has never been superseded or replaced, and is still binding.
Michaelson is advocating for Israel's destruction, based on the Islamic Genocide Plan.  With only a few key strokes on the keyboard, one can easily bring up a plethora of facts to verify the Islamic plans to annihilate Israel and the West.  A brief selection of quotes from the HAMAS Charter (1988) and infamous Islamists follow:
  • The Charter’s Preamble: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it just as it obliterated others before it.”  (Translation: Islam will continue its 1400 years of destruction and death.)
  • Article 11: “The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day.  It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up.”
  • Article 13: “There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by jihad.  The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.”
Radical Islam has become a forum for calls of genocide against the Jews.  Of the many references provided by DiscovertheNetworks, a few samples of the ignoble spewing of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are:
  • "As the Imam [Ayatollah Khomeini] said, Israel must be wiped off the map.”
  • “... the annihilation of the Zionist regime will come.”
  • "The Islamic umma (community) will not allow its historic enemy [Israel] to live in its heartland."
  • "There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world."
  • “liberating Palestine” would be "a key for solving the world’s problems"; and “anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.”
    Hassan Nasrallah, Leader of Hezbollah, is quoted:
  • "[I]f they [the Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."
  • "Put a knife in your shirt, then get close to an Israeli occupier and stab him."
  • "Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute. . . . Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, 'Death to America' will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan."
  • "Martyrdom operations -- suicide bombings -- should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it."
    Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, spiritual guide for the Muslim Brotherhood declared:
  • "There is no dialogue between us [Muslims and Jews] except by the sword and the rifle …"
    Hezbollah's Founding Statement:
  • contains a section that reads: “We see in Israel the vanguard of the United States in our Islamic world. It is the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones get what they deserve. . . . Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. We recognize no treaty with it, no cease fire, and no peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated. We vigorously condemn all plans for negotiation with Israel, and regard all negotiators as enemies . . .”
    And most recently the Times of Israel reported that the commander of the Basij militia of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said in an interview:
  • “…erasing Israel off the map” is “nonnegotiable,”
Despite the overwhelming evidence, Michelson advocates that the Jews recognize Palestine for Palestinians, but Palestinians need not recognize Israel for the Jews.  He seeks no defined borders because he strives for all Israel to become Palestinian, such as seen on the Palestinian map; (not seen here is one with Hamas flag, terrorist’s kafiyyah, and rifle).  Further, while he states that status quo would lead to permanent “occupation” and “apartheid,” and cautions that the world would not stand by forever, he dares not admit that his recommendation would be Israel’s total annihilation.
Michaelson has vindicated the Palestinians' rights to turning to the United Nations, thereby negating their obligations to comply with previous agreements.  How odd that he accepts non-existent Palestinian origin, history, past governments, artifacts, monetary system, and cultural heritage above the Jewish rights to l and that has been theirs through Biblical times and international law.  Jews have de jure sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel and Palestine, including Gaza, the Golan, Judea and Samaria (West Bank), all of Jerusalem and all of Jordan.
He is eager to have Palestinians occupy Israeli land, irrespective of the Balfour_Declaration , the Treaty of Sevres, the Mandates, the Council of the League of Nations, UN Resolution 181, and Israel's legal Statehood in 1948, and despite Israel's winning the Arabs' aggressive wars against the Jewish State.  Michaelson's resolve is to reduce Israel until she is no longer able to protect herself against the Islamic scourge that has openly s worn Israel's obliteration.  He is a turncoat who prefers "two states" because it will further enable Iran's jihad against Israel and Western civilization.  The Forward, once a newspaper that sustained the assimilation and adjustment of the new Jewish immigrants of the early 20th century, has become a vehicle of betrayal of their future generations. ☼

Monday, May 11, 2015

Deadly Vaccines

Depopulation test run? 75% of children who received vaccines in Mexican town now dead or hospitalized

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(Mike Adams)  Despite the insidious attempts of the corporate-controlled U.S. media to censor the stories about the deadly side effects of vaccines, the truth keeps surfacing. The latest vaccine tragedy to strike has killed two babies in La Pimienta, Mexico and sent 37 more to the hospital with serious reactions to toxic vaccine additives. (Tweet this story)
“…14 children are in serious condition, 22 are stable and one is in critical condition,” the Chiapas Health Secretariat said in a statement via
What’s especially alarming is that only 52 children were vaccinated in all, meaning that 75% of those receiving the vaccines are now either dead or hospitalized.
The vaccines were administered by the Mexican Social Security Institute, known as IMSS. The IMSS confirmed the deadly reactions occurred after children received injections of vaccines for tuberculosis, rotavirus and hepatitis B — the same viral strains targeted by vaccines routinely administered to children in the United States.

IMSS suspends vaccination pending further investigation

According to Fox News Latino, the IMSS has suspended the vaccines pending the outcome of an investigation into why so many children have been killed and hospitalized.
According to the entire mainstream media in the United States — which is 100% controlled by corporate interests — vaccines never harm anyone and are perfectly safe to inject into children in unlimited quantities. This dangerous, inhumane “Vaccine Injury Denialism” is rampant across the corporate-controlled media, which contributes to the deaths of innocent babies and children by refusing to acknowledge the truth that vaccines kill and injure children on a regular basis.
Just recently, in fact, the UK government agreed to pay $90 million to victims of the swine flu vaccine. That vaccine caused permanent brain damage to over 800 children across Europe. The truth is that vaccines regularly harm and even kill innocent children, most likely because of the toxic chemical adjuvants and preservatives they still contain.
As the CDC openly admits, vaccines are still intentionally formulated with mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde. Some vaccines even use ingredients derived from aborted human fetal tissue. Last year, a CDC scientist blew the whistle on the CDC committing scientific fraud to cover up links between vaccines and autism in young African-American males.

Test run for depopulation via vaccines?

As globalists now fully realize, vaccines are by far the best way to cull the human population because most people can be tricked into lining up and asking for them. Thus, there’s no need to resort to all the difficulties used by the Nazis to commit genocide in World War II, involving complex logistics of railroad cars, gas chambers, construction of mass graves, prisoner tracking via IBM computing technology, and so on. (Yes, Nazi genocide and prisoner tracking was powered by early IBM computers. See IBM and the Holocaust, the strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful corporation…)
As the vaccine industry has now come to realize, it’s so much easier to kill people when they voluntarily comply with the injections. Hence the aggressive media propaganda push to achieve absolute blind obedience to vaccines so that no one will ask questions when sterilization or euthanasia chemicals are used. That’s no doubt why vaccines have been routinely tested for depopulation programs via two primary methods:
# 1) Achieve covert sterilizations of targeted populations by combining sterilization chemicals with vaccines. (The “slow kill.”)
# 2) Directly kill vaccine recipients by intentionally lacing vaccines with euthanasia chemicals that cause death. (The “fast kill.”)
Method #1 has been repeatedly used throughout Africa, Mexico and South America to inflict sterilization upon targeted groups via immunization and vaccination programs. Just last year, in fact, I reported on the discovery of a covert depopulation vaccine program being run in Kenya:
Tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.
A whopping 2.3 million young girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.
“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”
Method #2 now appears to be under way in Mexico as 75% of those children injected with vaccines are now either dead or hospitalized.

Vaccine-induced depopulation was attempted in Mexico in 1974

As Truth Stream Media exhaustively documented, a depopulation exercise was run in Mexico in 1974, using vaccines as the cover story.
The scheme was dreamed up after the release of the National Security Study Memorandum 200 which highlighted the global population problem and urged governments to find ways to reduce the global population.
As explains:
Concentration on this “problem” of how to reduce the population was planned for 13 key countries, including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia. Of those, the document singled out Mexico as having one of the highest (and therefore, most worrisome) growth rates of all. The document read, “Perhaps the most significant population trend from the viewpoint of the United States is the prospect that Mexico’s population will increase from 50 million in 1970 to over 130 million by the year 2000.”
To combat this problem, “medical spooks” — who were almost certainly U.S.-funded depopulation vaccine crews — began injecting women all across Mexico with anti-fertility drugs disguised as vaccines. If you doubt this, read your history. The U.S. government’s National Institutes of Health was caught red-handed running human medical experiments on prisoners in Guatemala. President Obama was even forced to publicly apologize in 2011 after the cover-up collapsed! There is nothing the Nazis did in the 1930s and 40s that the pharmaceutical industry wouldn’t be willing to repeat today under the label of “science.”
But getting back to Mexico, as the covert depopulation vaccination program spread across Mexico City in 1974, locals began to catch on to the deception, and public resistance grew. As these newspaper clippings reveal, parents began hiding their children in their own homes to avoid them being injected with sterilization chemicals at the public schools. (California, by the way, also targets children at schools in order to avoid parents having the opportunity to say “No!”)
Mexico City – Associated Press – Rumors that persons disguised as inoculation teams were giving school children shots that sterilized them forced health authorities to suspend all vaccination drives today and to post police outside Mexico City schools. Thousands of parents stormed various schools in the Mexico City area Tuesday and took their children home.

It’s also important to note that these sterilization vaccines were being administered essentially at gunpoint, as police were accompanying the vaccine crews:
Callers told newspapers and TV stations that the sterilization crews were protected by police escorts and that they included white-robed men and women “who looked like foreigners.”
This same scenario is now about to be replicated in California, by the way, where SB 277 would criminalize parents of children who are not vaccinated, essentially at gunpoint.
What’s even more interesting is that the exact same arguments we hear today about vaccine skeptics — they’re punitively labeled “anti-vaxxers” or “anti-science” — were also being used in Mexico in 1974. As the following newspaper clipping shows:
The Mexican Medical Association issued statements denying that any kind of inoculation could cause sterility… Officials said superstition and ignorance of preventive health [i.e. “anti-science”] were responsible for the widespread belief that the rumors were true.

In other words, even though sterilization teams were running around Mexico, injecting people with chemicals as part of a depopulation agenda, any person who pointed this out was immediately labeled “anti-science” and derided as “ignorant.”
Very little has changed in four decades, it seems: the same tactic is still used today, even while children are being killed or injured every single day due to the toxic ingredients used in vaccines.

CDC’s intelligence operatives caught running disinfo campaigns

The “science bullying” behind vaccines also allows governments of the world to run sterilization and depopulation programs disguised as public health. Once the population is bullied into accepting vaccines without question — blind obedience is now demanded almost everywhere — governments can add any chemicals they want to those vaccines, including chemicals that cause permanent sterilization or even death.
The fact that all vaccine injuries are systematically denied to exist also means that any person harmed or killed by vaccines is immediately wiped from the national memory. Like a criminal mafia, the vaccine industry works hard to hide the bodies and thereby maintain its monopolistic racket on the utterly false premise that vaccines are 100% safe. To further drive home this extraordinary medical propaganda, the CDC uses intelligence operatives like Nurse Hickox who spread disinfo through the mainstream media, which is always happy to comply with the destructive agendas of the vaccine industry.
As Natural News uncovered during the Ebola scare of 2014:
Nurse Kaci Hickox, who has made headlines over the last few days by refusing to quarantine herself after returning from the Ebola front lines in Africa, turns out to have been trained as an “intelligence officer” under a two-year CDC program modeled after the U.S. military.
As you can see from the document below, Hickox graduated from a two-year CDC intelligence officer training program in 2012. This is the same nurse whose LinkedIn page was recently scrubbed to hide her ties to the CDC
The official intelligence designation granted to Nurse Hickox by the CDC was “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer,” and she is a graduate of the 2012 EIS program according to this CDC document (PDF). (See page 138 – 139 for her name and photo, or view photo below.)
That same year, the CDC graduated 81 such “intelligence officers” whose names and photos are also listed in the public document.

Bottom line? Don’t trust the vaccine industry

What’s the takeaway realization from all this? Vaccines have been and will continue to be used as a cover for forced depopulation programs involving sterilization or euthanasia chemicals.
Obedience to vaccines allows depopulation teams accompanied by armed police to intimidate people into accepting any liquid they want to put in a syringe. That liquid might be a vaccine, or it might be a sterilization chemical or even a euthanasia chemical.
Any population that is indoctrinated into trusting the vaccine industry — an industry steeped in repeated criminal activity combined with a total disregard for human life — is ripe for being targeted for depopulation. (See Nigeria Issues Arrest Warrants for Top Pfizer Officials After Drug Experiments Conducted on Children.)
After all, why go through the trouble of building gas chambers and rounding people up for mass extermination when you can achieve the same result without any resistance at all if you simply label the chemicals “vaccines”?
(Click here for hi-res version of the graphic below.)

Sources for this article include:

Sunday, May 3, 2015

By Jennifer Hartline
7/9/2014 (9 months ago)
Catholic Online (
Anyone truly devoted to the good of a child will not create by design a motherless or fatherless home for that child.
Our culture is so obsessed with making the case for same-sex "marriage" that now, astonishingly, sane people have to actually make the case for mothers and fathers.  We've elevated sexual preferences and wants high above the needs of our children. Whatever else you may call it, it's not love.


By Jennifer Hartline
Catholic Online (
7/9/2014 (9 months ago)
Published in U.S.
Keywords: surrogacy, adoption, gay couples, family, mothers, fathers, Jennifer Hartline

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Catholic Online) - The story of two gay men in Texas who became fathers of twin boys via a surrogate appeared in my Facebook feed a couple of weeks ago, posted by a woman voicing her support for the men and her anger over their legal predicament.

Each man is the biological father of one twin, and each wants to legally adopt the biological son of the other. Because Texas does not recognize same-sex "marriage", the law will not allow the adoption or for the birth certificates to reflect the two fathers as parents of both boys.

So began the cry of discrimination toward these men, and the injustice of the law.

I decided to jump in with quite the opposite perspective. I wasn't expecting my comments to be well-received, but even so, I was stunned at how the thread developed.

What was truly maddening, I said, was that two babies had been manufactured and sold, and now were being denied their mother. It is wrong, I argued, to create by design a home for those babies that intentionally deprives them of their mother. They have a right to know and be cared for by their mother.

I went even further and said that what the two men had done was not love. The adults have gotten what they wanted, but the babies have not been given what they need nor what they deserve and are truly entitled to, which is their mother. Whatever emotions or longings motivated the decision to conceive the babies, it was not love.

For that, I got the usual: Hateful, judgmental bigot. No surprise. I was also informed that what I really meant was that homosexuals are not even capable of love.

The only moral outrage to be found was that two gay men were being prevented from legally adopting the other's child. Not one other person in the thread was the least bit concerned about two babies being purposely denied their mother. The boys will have two dads, and that's good enough.

I don't think it is. Not at all. Not even close.

I couldn't believe I was actually having to argue for the necessity of a mother in a child's life! How is it that we've convinced ourselves that mothers are not really needed beyond giving birth? How can we seriously believe that children do not require a mother? Yet that was the argument. The boys have two dads, so they'll be just fine. They are lucky to be so wanted, so loved. Lucky?!?

To be so loved...Except that love doesn't do that. Love doesn't amputate the mother from the baby's life immediately after birth in order to accommodate the sexual preferences of the adult. Love doesn't require the child to sacrifice for the lifestyle of the adult. Love does not tell the child, "You don't really need a mother. You don't get to have your mother." Love does not presume that the child won't feel the loss, and won't suffer because of it.

"Love wills the good of the other," I said. (Actually, St. Thomas Aquinas said.) "Love puts the other first. None of the adults involved in creating these babies put them first."

Sound harsh? It should. I think it's pretty harsh that kids are being made to order, to satisfy the wants of specialty couples who think it's their prerogative to deprive a child of either mother or father, depending on their own sexual inclination. It's extremely harsh that children are being required to forfeit their natural, healthy, undeniable need for both parents, mother AND father.

Frankly, it isn't good enough that children are "wanted." That's the lingo and the philosophy of our contraception and abortion culture. 'Every child a wanted child,' and all that bull. That just means that children are things we acquire when we want to, and dispose of when we don't want them. It's centered only on the desires of the adults, without regard for the inherent worth of the child or his inviolable rights.

That's not love. That's not how children are to be treated. Wanting a child isn't the standard. Clearly, these two men wanted a baby. They went to the trouble and expense to find a surrogate, and manufacture some embryos, and they were blessed with two healthy boys. They got what they wanted.

The real mother in Solomon's court proved her love and her authenticity by choosing to suffer the pain of losing her baby, rather than let any harm come to him. She sought his good over her own, fully expecting terrible heartache for herself. That's how love wills the good of the other.

Anyone truly devoted to the good of a child will not create by design a motherless or fatherless home for that child. Doing so causes great harm. And we're not talking about harm brought about by unavoidable, unforeseen tragedy. This is planned and inflicted on purpose.

What about their mother? She chose this harm as well. She's not a victim here. In fact, she may not even be only one person! She's what is now being called a "gestational carrier" and she may be carrying an embryo(s) created with a donor egg(s). Ugh -- can we possibly find a more degrading way to treat a woman? The battle for equality for women has led us to this? Women being used for their wombs and their biological functions?

That's the best case we can make for motherhood anymore? It's just the physical process of gestation and childbirth? But beyond that, well, moms aren't really necessary? How horrifying! And how ironic -- decades ago the fight was to be valued for more than only mothering; now the battle has to be for the irreplaceable, pricelessness of a mother!

Assuming the mother is even mentioned on the child's birth certificate, how will she be named? "Donor egg, incubated and grown by gestational carrier"? She's nameless, faceless, and entirely missing.

And of course, the one who suffers the most is the child. Always the child. The child is ordered up, the product of a contract, bought and sold, and delivered like a piece of property. But it's all dressed up in the language of wants and wishes and emotions, with a lovely baby shower and breathless oohs and ahhs, so surely it's all wonderful.

No one is entitled to a child. Even married couples are not entitled to children. They have no right to expect that they will be given the gift of a child. They pray for children, and remain open to them in their marriage, but there's no entitlement. You don't walk up to the Giver of Life and insist He give you what you want. You don't demand a gift. It's a gift.

Children are the fruit of marriage for a reason. It's God's wise and perfect design that the love of husband and wife is ordered toward the creation of new life. He certainly could have designed it differently, but He obviously felt that both mother and father are necessary, and that children require the presence of both their parents.

The increasing frequency of babies being manufactured through surrogacy and then delivered to same-sex couples is alarming and heartbreaking. I can think of nothing more selfish than for adults to deliberately deprive a child they claim to love of her fundamental need and genuine right to be raised by her own mother and father because their sexual preference precludes it. It is a perversion of the family unit. It's an injustice to the child.

Take a look at this photo.

It shows a gay couple in Toronto as the son they'd had conceived through surrogacy was born. This beautiful little boy will also be denied his mother. The photographer captured the moment the two men held the baby to their bare chests.

Yes, I can clearly see the raw emotion, the tears, the joy of the father holding the baby. I do not doubt that he was overwhelmed with love in that precious moment. It is plainly obvious.

Now look at this photo.

I recognize something crucial in this picture, something else that is plainly obvious. That baby was searching for his mother. A newborn baby has only one real need, and that is to be put to mother's breast and smell and feel her skin and suckle. That's it. Sorry, guys, but that's reality. Babies are born with a built-in homing device that drives them toward Mom.

I saw the baby's face, and my heart ached and broke for him. He wanted his mother. No baby would gladly do without his mother.

Fathers are not mothers, and mothers are not fathers. They are not interchangeable. They are both essential for the well-being of a child, far beyond pregnancy and birth. That's not just idealistic or old-fashioned dreaming. It's common-sense reality; it's moral truth; it's natural law; it's justice.

But it requires thinking, not merely acting on feelings. It requires considering the needs of another ahead of your own sometimes. It requires sacrificing what you may want in order to give the other what is truly right and just.

Our culture is so obsessed with making the case for same-sex "marriage" that now, astonishingly, sane people have to actually make the case for mothers and fathers.  We've elevated sexual preferences and wants high above the needs of our children. Whatever else you may call it, it's not love.


In Nepal Aftermath, Feiglin Has Questions on Gays, Surrogacy

Firestorm over ex-MK's thoughts about the gay men who hired surrogate mothers for the babies now being extricated.
First Publish: 4/28/2015, 8:10 AM

Parent with baby arrives at airport.
Parent with baby arrives at airport.
Tomer Neuberg / Flash 90
Moshe Feiglin – who was a Likud MK in 2013-2015 – is out of the Knesset, for now at least, but his nonconformist thinking continues to arouse interest and spark fiery debate.
Feiglin took issue with the uniformly uncritical and adoring way Israel's media has been covering the plight of gay parents who were stranded with their newborn babies in harsh conditions, following the Nepal earthquake. These men hired poor Indian women to serve as surrogate mothers for their babies and then brought them to Nepal in order to give birth, because Indian law no longer allows gays to enter the country for the purpose of taking babies who were born through surrogacy.
About 20 such babies were born in Nepal in the days that immediately preceded the earthquake there. As a result, their gay parents reported situations of extreme distress. TV reports show the back seats of cars replacing the incubators in which some of the preemie babies had been held, and other difficulties faced by the parents.
In a Facebook post, Feiglin quoted two such men, who had been staying at a hotel that collapsed, as telling the press: “We got away with the children but the state [Israel – ed.] is not helping us. We have no diapers, there is no Materna [breastmilk substitute – ed.] and it will soon be nighttime, and it is starting to rain.”
Feiglin noted the obvious: the reason the fathers cannot feed their babies is that "they do not have breasts": "In other words, suddenly, when the outer shell of enlightenment and progress was abruptly shed, when the shaking earth left you and your child alone with it, without go-betweens – it suddenly turned out that a man has no breasts, and he cannot feed a newborn baby.”
"Of course,” he added, “one can conclude that whoever cannot breastfeed should walk around with a spare can of Materna on him, 24/7. Because you never know when an earthquake will catch you. That is the natural and obvious (and technically true) conclusion – for those who stick their heads in the sand.”
"But perhaps there is a deeper conclusion. Maybe, only maybe... it is not just the physical need that only the mother can satisfy. Maybe there is a spiritual equivalent – a kind of spiritual milk, you could say – that only she can provide? And maybe, only maybe, tempting a Third World woman to give birth to a child she will never see – is terrible cruelty? Did you think motherhood is an on-off thing?”
Feiglin noted that he is writing his post with trepidation, for fear of the backlash from gay activists. He explained, however, that he feels the need to write it because the children involved “are doomed to be motherless from the day they were born.” He also cited a recent US National Health Interview Survey that found that emotional problems were over twice as prevalent for children with same-sex parents than for children with opposite-sex parents.