Thursday, May 28, 2015

Drill Next Week Will Simulate Total War

Israelis will practice bomb shelter routine on Tuesday, in drill simulating massive missile fire on population centers, infrastructures.
First Publish: 5/28/2015, 6:45 PM

Chemical attack drill (file)
Turning Point 15, the national preparedness exercise, will be held next week from Sunday to Thursday. This will be the eighth time the annual drill is being held.
The drill will reach its peak next Tuesday, June 2. At 11:05 a.m. and 7:05 p.m. that day, sirens will be sounded nationwide and citizens in every city and town – except the Gaza Belt area – will rehearse going into protected spaces and shelters.
People who are in an open area will be expected to lie down and cover their heads. Normal routine will commence again after 10 minutes.
Large events will not be interrupted, nor will public transportation. It is not clear what the Home Font Command expects people who are driving in private cars to do, but this will presumably be cleared up when the IDF issues a formal announcement to Israel's citizens about the drill.
Turning Point 15 will rehearse all-out war in which an enemy – Iranian proxy Hezbollah, Gaza's Hamas, Iran or a combination of these – hits population centers throughout Israel with massive rocket barrages.
The Homefront Command, Israel Police, Magen David Adom, Fire and Rescue Services, government and local government offices will all take part in the drill, which will mostly simulate an attack involving conventional rockets.
The drill will also simulate damage to vital infrastructures, cyber attacks, a collapse of electrical grids and communication networks, hazardous material leaks and more.
There are predictions of hundreds, or perhaps thousands, or deaths in an all out missile attack on Israel by its enemies. Hezbollah alone is reported to have about 100,000 missiles aimed at Israel.
Should this scenario unfold, an Israeli counterstrike on Lebanon could send the country “back to the Stone Age,” according to Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud).

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