Thursday, July 31, 2014

Do Christians Mean So Little to Obama?

The head of the Catholic League issued a scathing criticism at President Obama, posting on his group’s website an essay that pointed to all the Christians being beheaded by Muslim terrorists and asking: Doesn’t that matter to you?
“Christians are being beheaded all over the Middle East because they are Christians, and those carrying out this mass murder are doing so in the name of Islam,” Bill Donohue wrote on his group’s website, Newsmax reported. “Yet you continue to say and do absolutely nothing about these unspeakable crimes. Do Christians mean so little to you?”


Booby-Trapped Explosives Built into Walls of UNRWA Clinic

Over 80 kilograms of explosive material built into rigged UN-funded clinic; no response from UNRWA.
First Publish: 7/31/2014, 5:11 PM

UNRWA HQ in Gaza
UNRWA HQ in Gaza
Flash 90
New details have emerged about the booby-trapped clinic explosion that killed three IDF Maglan unit soldiers in Gaza earlier this week - Sergeant First Class Matan Gottlieb, 21, from Rishon LeZion; Sergeant First Class Omar Chai, 21, from Savion; and Sergeant First Class Guy Algranati, 20, of Tel Aviv, hy"d. 
Over eighty kilograms of explosives were built into the UN-funded hospital's walls themselves, it was cleared for publication Thursday - revealing that the clinic itself was built to mask, and perform, potential acts of terror on the IDF.
Moreover, the clinic was built over tens of terror tunnels, according to the report.
The UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) has yet to respond to the revelations, and has still not responded to the deaths of the Israeli soldiers Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket arsenals were found in a UNRWA school for the third time this month.
After the first finding of rockets at an UNRWA school, it was reported that rather than destroying the rockets, UNRWA workers called Hamas to come remove them.
While it would not comment on the deaths of the three soldiers, UNRWA was quick to place blame on Israel for a rocket strike on one of their schools in Gaza.
The UN agency also immediately blamed Israel for a strike on Gaza’s Shifa hospital, resulting in the deaths of over a dozen Gazans. It was later revealed that in all likelihood, a misfired Hamas Fajr-5 Iranian-made 100 kg warhead destined for Israel had struck the hospital.

Julie the Gazan filly: Saved by the IDF

LAST UPDATED: 07/31/2014 18:35

Forces found an orphaned filly running around her mother's dead body in an area of Gaza filled with heavy fighting and took her back to Israel with them.

Julie arrives at an IDF camp. Photo: COURTESY PEGASUS
Julie is one lucky Gazan filly: IDF forces came to her rescue after discovering her running around her mother's dead body in an area of heavy fighting in Gaza, and decided to save her and bring her back to Israel with them.

The compassionate soldiers called The Pegasus Foundation, the Society for the Protection of Horses & Donkeys in Israel, which came to take her to her new life on Israeli land.

The foundation recounted the ordeal on its Facebook page, saying that an IDF officer named Elad had called them and told them that they had found a filly who needed to be rescued. The soldiers took her across the border with them to Kibbutz Beeri where they gave her water and food and waited for the Pegasus Foundation to arrive to take her to her new life.

"Aside from a few small bruises, probably from shrapnel, the filly is skinny but healthy. She was even willing to drink some fresh goat milk we milked for her," Pegasus wrote on their Facebook page.

After she settled into her new life, the foundation decided to name her Julie after the month of July. A spokesman told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that besides a light limp, Julie is feeling good.

There is a Serious Need to Pray for the Government of Israel

Government Demolishes Homes of IDF Soldiers Fighting in Gaza

Homes belonging to soldiers near the Samarian village of Kfar Tapuach torn down even as they served their country, some in Gaza.
First Publish: 7/31/2014, 11:03 AM

Soldiers deploy near Gaza
Soldiers deploy near Gaza
Flash 90
IDF troops on Wednesday destroyed several structures and a stone house on a hilltop next to the central Samaria town of Kfar Tapuach – at the same time as the residents of those homes were serving in the IDF, with at least one fighting in Gaza. The Honenu civil rights organization called the demolitions “a sad travesty” that “damages the unity of Israelis at this critical time.”
The hilltop in question is on state land and not owned by Arabs, but is considered an “unauthorized outpost” by the government. Honenu has filed several injunctions in the past to save the houses, but on Wednesday morning, as fighting raged in Gaza, army tractors climbed up the hill and demolished several wooden structures, as well as a stone house that was in the final stages of construction.
The buildings were constructed by several current and former IDF soldiers, residents of Kfar Tapuach who had to fight the IDF establishment for the privilege of serving in the army. The Shabak (Israel Security Service) had recommended against drafting them because of their political views, but the youths were finally allowed to serve, with help from Honenu.
Currently, one of the group is serving in Jenin, another in Hevron, and a third is flying missions for the Israeli Air Force. At least one is on the ground in Gaza, and has not yet been informed that his home has been destroyed.
The group had planned to build a new community, called Mitzpeh Nachshon, which would provide security for other Jewish communities in the region. One of the soldiers, upon hearing of the demolitions, wrote on his Facebook page “thanks to you, our dear government, for destroying my house while I am fighting to defend it.” He added that despite the damage to the structures, the group intended to continue with the project.
IDF troops were accompanied by police, who cleared the area of protestors who had come to protest the actions. At least one youth was arrested. Witnesses said that police hit and injured several protesters, who required medical attention.
In a statement, Honenu said that “It is sad that during a period when Israelis are unified in backing the IDF against terrorism from Gaza and other parts of the country, the army and police would use precious resources to act against residents. The absurdity is even greater when the houses being destroyed belong to soldiers who are fighting Israel's enemies. This is not the treatment they deserve,” the group said.

MId East Prophecy Update-July 27, 2014 JD Farag

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hamas Blows Up UNRWA Clinic, Deliberately Killing People Inside It

The three IDF soldiers who were killed on Wednesday in Gaza, were killed when explosives detonated within a booby-trapped UN building in Khan Younis, Breitbart reports.
An elite IDF tunnel unit was in the process of uncovering an opening to a Hamas tunnel located at an UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) health clinic when all of a sudden the explosives detonated, causing the entirety of the building to fall on top of the soldiers.
Neither the UN nor UNRWA have commented on the incident that resulted in the deaths of three Israeli soldiers, according to Breitbart.
Mt. Gerazim and Mt. Ebal
It is quite clear that as we have tried to deal with the violent hatred of the world  toward us  we have availed nothing.   Not wisdom, not kindness, and no appeasement or diplomacy has stopped the unrelenting hatred and intent to utterly destroy us.   This hatred is so enormous and so unreasonable that the only solution will obviously have to be of almighty proportions; something that only the God who created heaven and earth is big enough to implement.

 It is easy to be distracted by the evil around us.  It is easy to be overwhelmed by it.  It is also very easy to think that these murdering terrorist and their supporters are so much worse than us.  Surely a just and loving God will deliver us from them.  I am sure,  every victim of the Holocaust thought the same thing at one time.

It is a disaster that most of us have not gone to stand on Mt. Gerazim and Mt. Ebal in our understanding.   Yes, on Mt Gerazim God made a solemn and everlasting covenant with Israel to be our God forever, and He promised to bless us with many good things including ¨The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.¨ Deut. 28:7

But on Mt. Ebal God attached a curse to His blessings. The list of the curses and their results are found in Deut. 27-30.   Moses concluded this covenant ceremony by saying, ¨I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, , that both you and your descendants may live;  that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the lenght of you days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your father, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.

The choice of life and death, blessing and cursing is ours.  This choice is not made by our standard of what is good, but by God´s standard.   I think here lies perhaps the greatest, fundamental error of our own making.  We each figure out what we think God means  and then we try to stretch Him and His word to fit our ideology.  NO!!!   It doesn´t work like that.  He is God, we must come to Him on His terms, not ours.

We need to repent as a nation.  We need to repent as individuals.  If we are going to survive these days we must each bow down before the God of Israel and confess and forsake every evil thing we know we are guilty of.  When we have finished that list we need to emulate King David, who said,  ¨Look deep into my heart, Lord, search me out, and see if there is anything else there that displeases you.  Let nothing come between you and me.¨

If, or should I say WHEN we do that, God will be free under the terms of His covenant to rise up for us and give us the blessings. 

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, Israel, Gaza, Hamas, palestine, Dry Bones, Obama, terrorism, unity, Jewish State,
Charles Krauthammer said Monday on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that Secretary of State John Kerry meddled in the Israeli-Gaza conflict by showing up uninvited to the latest cease fire negotiations.
Krauthammer, a syndicated columnist and a Fox News contributor, said Kerry has caused "wreckage" by intervening.
“The Israelis did not invite him," he said. "The Egyptians did not want him and he still says he advanced a peace plan that was sort of building on the Egyptian one. It didn’t at all. It undermined it.”

Kerry spent Saturday in Paris meeting with several European diplomats and the foreign ministers of Qatar and Turkey, who are negotiating on behalf of Hamas, hoping to establish an immediate cease fire in the ongoing conflict.
Krauthammer said Kerry returned from the negotiations as essentially Hamas’ lawyer, and the plan Kerry supported “would have given Hamas all of its demands.”

"(Kerry) hands Israel a proposition that is so outrageous that the cabinet votes 19-0 against it," he said. "Israeli cabinets have never voted 19-0 on whether the sun rises in the east. It was unbelievable."

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Hamas shot some 20 Palestinians on Monday night for protesting against Hamas for the massive destruction inflicted on their neighborhood in Shejaia by the IDF in the past weeks, Channel 10 reported on Tuesday.

How happy you should be, UN,the United States and all you idiots who believe the lies you have been told.   Your support of Hamas, and other groups like it, has brought this  on the Gazan people....and many others.   Your money paid for dozens of tunnels, underground bunkers. missles. bombs and weapons so they could reign in terror  over their own people and destroy Israel.   Through your policies and political power (and you have had much power) you have done everything you possible could to make sure no one stops them.    You hypocrites, pretending to be a friend of Israel and crying crocodile tears for the poor Palestinians while you deliberately armed those who cruelly oppress and kill them.  You pretenders of righteousness.  It is you who purposely made terror a great business for Muslim terrorists  and are directly responsible for thousands of deaths and injuries that these ghouls have inflicted on people.   This is your creation.  You excused them, nurtured them,  supported them and paid them to become what they are.  They could never have done it without you.  They are your creation and their intention is to turn on you and destroy you  and your entire civilization.

 ¨He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike  are an abomination to the Lord." Prov 17:15

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Lord Has Spoken

For the day of the Lord is near upon all the nations.
As you have done, it shall be done to you;
    your deeds shall return on your own head.
16 For as you have drunk on my holy mountain,
    so all the nations shall drink continually;
they shall drink and swallow,
    and shall be as though they had never been.
17 But in Mount Zion there shall be those who escape,
    and it shall be holy,
and the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions.
18 The house of Jacob shall be a fire,
    and the house of Joseph a flame,
    and the house of Esau stubble;
they shall burn them and consume them,
    and there shall be no survivor for the house of Esau,
for the Lord has spoken.

Monday, July 21, 2014
The Noose Around Israel's Neck
Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 23 Comments

Israel is being hanged on a public gallows erected on the grounds of the United Nations with yards of rope gleefully supplied by the Muslim world. But the hangmen are mostly Westerners who still think that the Muslim lynch mob at their doorstep can be pacified with the death of a single victim.

There are three things you can do when you are about to be hanged. You can walk proudly, recite a glorious line or two to embed your martyrdom in historical memory, and then allow yourself to be hanged. Jews have an extensive body of experience with that brand of martyrdom.

Alternatively you can plead your case all the way to the gallows, arguing that a mistake has been made, that your case has been improperly reviewed, begging for someone to listen and do something. This way also ends in a hanging. But it's the hanging of a slave without even a shred of dignity attached to it. A man that dies pleading with his murderers, and puts his fate in the honesty of the liars and hypocrites whose own crimes makes the worst of his look like virtues, is a craven fool.

Because there is really only one thing you can do when the noose is being placed around your neck. Resist. A noose works by tightening around your neck and cutting off your air or breaking your neck. If you resist the tightening of the noose, you may actually survive. On the other hand if you follow through all the procedures, if you allow your hands to be tied behind your back, and the noose to be fastened around your neck while trusting in the system to do right by you-- your death is inevitable.

For two decades Israel has been walking toward the gallows. Its leaders have led it there by empty international assurances. Its people have been led there by refusing to see what is waiting ahead for them, even while the blood was being cleaned off the streets.

Every attempt to reach a peaceful solution, every concession and show of good faith, has only tightened the bonds around its hands and the noose around its neck.

Every concession Israel has made, has further restricted not only its ability to defend itself, but even its ability to do basic things such as build residential housing in the capital of its own nation. Every gesture and agreement Israel has signed has bound it to ever more restrictive terms. And none of them have brought any peace. All they have ever done is set the bar higher for the next round of concessions demanded by the enemy and its aiders and abettors in the next phase of negotiations.

This is not a peace process, and it has never been one. It is a public lynching. It is the lynching of a country whose only real crime is that its existence offends the religious fanaticism and prejudices of a billion Muslims, who control much of the world's oil, and whose followers are willing to riot and kill in the streets of nearly every major city in the world at the slightest offense.

The lynching began as a trial where the murderer wore a fine suit and his victim sat in an orange jumpsuit in the dock. Every day during the trial, the murderer would be allowed to leave the courtroom to kill again. And every afternoon he would return to the courtroom with bloody hands that the judge and jurors would pretend not to see.

If the victim called attention to those bloody hands, he would be told that those murders were also his fault because he had provoked the murderer into committing them.

The endgame is all too clear. The undoing of that "mistake" which allowed the oldest and most persecuted minority in the Middle East to briefly reclaim their homeland from the tyranny of Muslim Caliphs and Sultans as a homeland for their persecuted brethren from the east and the west.

Every time Israel tries to be accommodating, it instead takes a step closer to the gallows. It allows the noose to be tightened around its neck. And every time that happens, it has to fight harder for air.

Eventually there will be no air at all. Only a sad forlorn figure swinging in the hot eastern wind from the desert.

And cries of Ibtach al Yahood among the rubble of cities and gardens of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ariel.

Israel cannot survive by accommodating a lynch mob. Only by having the courage to defy it. When the international community at the behest of the Muslim lynch mob dictates the parameters of Israel's survival, it must expand those parameters by pushing through them to the other side. If they want to recognize terrorists, then kill those terrorists. If they want to unilaterally create a Palestinian state, then annex those territories. Accommodation is a noose. Defiance is the air of freedom. Every time Israel retreats, it is condemned for it. When it advances, it is condemned for it also, but its freedom of action expands.

The world will always condemn Israel regardless of its intentions. But like any form of name-calling, those condemnations only gain power when Israel allows its actions to be dictated by them. Israel is not condemned because of what Israel does. It is condemned because of Islamic bigotry, left wing radicalism and international dhimmism converging in one place.

This is a pattern that cannot be undone. It can only be ignored.

When you listen to the threats and taunts of those who hate you, you give them power over yourself. If you try to accommodate your behavior to gain their favor, their outpouring of hate for you will only grow. It is not your behavior they hate, it is you. By showing weakness, you invite attack. By giving your enemies power over you, all that you accomplish is to drive them into a feeding frenzy at your vulnerability.

If you go on this way, you will either be a slave or a corpse. A slave if they have any use for you alive. A corpse if they don't. Either way you have put your head into the noose they made for you.

Israel cannot go on this way. No country could for long. Yet it does, marching on toward the gallows, protesting that there has been a terrible mistake here. But there is no mistake here. None at all. The executioners nod sympathetically and promise to look into it, as they bind his hands behind his back. It's a farce and everyone, except the dumbest among the lynch mob and the condemned, knows it.

But like the condemned man refusing a blindfold in the anecdote who's scheduled to be executed, Israel keeps being warned not to make trouble. Go quietly. Breathe deeply. Soon it will all be over. What will the world say, if Israel resists? Exactly what the world says now. The troublemakers that are the cause of all the troubles of the otherwise peaceful nations of the Middle East. The worm in the lovely healthy apple otherwise covered with Muslim tyrannies.

Every threat that has been made has come about when Israel made concessions, not because it refused to. Every time Israel has chosen the high road, its enemies have ambushed it from the low road. It's past time to wake up and start learning some lessons. The noose is drawn. And the nation is gasping for air. That breath of air was Jerusalem. The next one will be the Galilee. And then what? How many more breaths are left after that?

Before Oslo, Israel was threatened with terror if it did not comply. It complied and the terror increased manifold. And if did not negotiate further, it was threatened with international isolation. It negotiated. It gave. And it was isolated anyway. It was threatened with boycotts, and it gave, and the boycotts came anyway. Now they threaten the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Followed by a One State Solution. Followed by international intervention. Noose, gallows and all.

And does anyone think that all these will not come about anyway if Israel gives Abbas and his terrorist cronies their own official state with a capital in Jerusalem?

No compromise has worked until now. Which means no compromise will work. A process in which one side repeatedly compromises and the other side repeatedly threatens and takes, is not a process, but a holdup. If a man threatens you with a gun, then you might think that you can buy him off. Until he returns again and again. And then it is no longer a threat, it is a process. Israel is in that process, or rather it is being processed. At the end of the process is death. If you pay attention only to the gun, and not the pattern of threats, you may keep giving in, until you have given up your home, your wife and your children, and you have nothing left but your life. And then you will lose that as well. That is the nature of the process. To survive, you must not see the gun alone, but the process it is part of.

When Israel withdrew from Gaza, allowed Hamas to control it, and did nothing but prevent Hamas from having outside access, the world howled as if Israel had filled the country with graves from end to end, as Sudan or Iran or some of the other members and former members of the UN Human Rights Commission have. Now that Israel sacrifices the lives of its soldiers to minimize Muslim civilian casualties while Hamas does everything to increase those casualties, the howling has become a din.

That is not justice. That is a lynch mob.

We are no longer talking about negotiations. Or any serious discussion of a state. We are talking about the world rising up in one voice to defend the rights of a genocidal organization whose charter includes the words; "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

The pretense is over and done with. This is not about anything resembling peace. This is about death. This is a lynch mob. Some come willingly. Others think that they have no choice. That a single murder will buy them the tolerance of the Dar Al Islam.

This is what a noose looks like. These are the gallows. As its hands are bound, Israel loses the ability to defend itself. As the noose tightens, Israel dies. Only by resisting the noose, can it survive. Only by fighting to free its hands, can it resist.

The way of surrender is the way of death. And after Israel dies, its own hangmen will be next.

The lynch mob has only begun. Its appetite is whetted by death. Its hunger will only be sharpened, not sated, by blood. And it will cover the world in blood, if it is not stopped. But now the noose draws tight. Only a little more air is left.

What will Israel do with that air? Appeal for justice, or fight with all its strength to rip the noose away. For now the choice is still hers. When the noose has done it work, it no longer will be.

- See more at:

Dear Members of the Mainstream Media,
You've been awesome! Everyone knows that we start unwinnable wars with Israel because the real victory happens when you predictably side with us each time. And you've been so supportive of our strategy that we really want to acknowledge your helpfulness. In particular, we thank you for:
  • -Focusing so much more on our suffering than anyone else's. Nigerians must die in far greater numbers before you take notice, so we're glad that you value our lives so much more.
  • -Minimizing your coverage, if any, of our attacks that led up to Israel's military response and generally providing so little context that outsiders think that Israelis kill Palestinian Arabs just for fun. We're especially grateful to the French media for this. Their distortions of the conflict are so one-sided that they incite Muslims across France to attack Jews and synagogues, and that is welcomed by our anti-Semitic worldview (although, unfortunately, such attacks remind everyone why Jews need a state).
  • -Emphasizing our civilian death toll without explaining that (1) our casualty reports are hasty and inflated, and (2) we maximize that total by using Palestinians to shield our weapons and by urging them to stay in the very areas that the IDF -- in its annoying effort to minimize our civilian deaths -- warns Gazans to evacuate.
-Never mentioning the fact that if we could kill millions of Israelis, we would (after all, our charter calls for Israel's destruction). Just as the 9/11 hijackers made the most of what they had but would have liked to kill far more Americans (for example, with the help of WMD), we too would love to kill far more Israelis. Indeed, we have purposely targeted Israel's nuclear reactor on several occasions, with that very goal in mind. Fortunately, you never highlight the genocidal intent behind our attacks when mentioning Israel's "disproportionate" response.
  • -Never calling us jihadists even though we persecute Christians (like the ISIS, which just compelled Mosul's Christians to convert to Islam). The forced conversion, expulsion, or murder of Christians and other religious minorities by Islamists has been happening for millennia, as assiduously documented in Crucified Again, but such historical context is thankfully absent from your reporting on our conflict with Israel.
  • -Downplaying how bad we are for Gazans by not reporting on, for example, our attack on the very Israeli power station that provides electricity to 70,000 Gazans. Thankfully, you also ignored how the Israelis -- in their stupid display of goodwill -- exposed their workers to the perils of our rockets so that they could restore power to Gaza.
  • -Minimally reporting on our corruptionunfair wealth, or vast expenditures on tunnels to attack Israel while ordinary Palestinians grew poorer.
  • -Overlooking how -- to maximize Palestinian deaths -- we store our missiles in an UNWRA-run school and how, when UNWRA finds out, they just hand us back our missiles.
  • -Disregarding Arabs who have the courage to critique us -- like Dr. Tawfik Hamid, an Islamist-turned-reformer who blames Palestinian suffering entirely on us.
  • -Ignoring Israelis' humanitarian folly in providing medical aid to the very terrorists trying to kill them.
  • -Failing to acknowledge Israel's immense restraint. Had we been fighting Syria's Assad regime, by now Gaza would have been flattened -- devastated by barrel bombs, poison gas, and other attacks that are far more indiscriminate than Israel's intelligence-directed strikes. And of course, if Syria were killing us, you'd hardly care. But luckily, we're dealing with Israel -- that country that everyone loves to hate -- so we can count on your helpful coverage here.
  • -Omitting how Israel chose to endanger dozens of IDF soldiers when destroying our tunnels and weapons in densely populated areas like Shejaiya because doing so with airstrikes (which risks no soldiers) would have killed many thousands of Palestinians. Your friendly omission of such crucial facts reminds us of how wonderfully you covered Jenin in 2002, when (again) -- rather than praise Israel's humane but costly decision to use ground troops rather than airstrikes -- you very helpfully and falsely accused Israel of a massacre during another IDF operation to stop Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.
  • -Not sharing with your English readers what we openly say in Arabic: that we view any truce as just an opportunity to rearm for our next war against Israel (as our spokesman, Musheer Al Masri, recently declared on TV).
  • -Not underscoring that Israel can do nothing to make peace with us (after all, Israelis ended their occupation of Gaza in 2005 and we've been rocketing them ever since). It's a bit nervy of Israel to use its border controls to limit our ability to rearm and rebuild cross-border attack tunnels, but -- with your help -- maybe the next cease-fire will remove Israel's blockade so that we can more easily replenish our weapons and restore our tunnels for our next attack. And yes, we're embarrassed that our fellow Arab Muslims in Egypt also choose to blockade us because of the problems that we've caused them.
  • -Not reminding readers, when you mention potential truce arrangements, that world powers are no more capable of ensuring a demilitarized Gaza than they were capable of disarming Hezbollah in south Lebanon.
Seriously, you've been AMAZING. Please keep it up!
p.s. Many thanks also to the countless protesters around the world who follow your lead, embolden us, and make us look legit!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

"Let me first tell you one thing: It doesn't matter what the world says about Israel; it doesn't matter what they say about us anywhere else. The only thing that matters is that we can exist here on the land of our forefathers. And unless we show the Arabs that there is a high price to pay for murdering Jews, we won't survive."
 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, EU, Europe, antisemitism, holocaust, Jews,

Op-Ed: Israel, Stop Placating the World’s Opinion

For the world, no matter what Israel does, it is in the wrong.

The world doesn’t care if an Israeli tank holds its fire when facing a Hamas terrorist surrounded by children.
The world doesn’t care if Israeli pilots are justified in hitting a UN school.
The world doesn’t care if a Golani unit finds weapons in a Palestinian kindergarten.
For the world, Israel is the scapegoat. Jews are always unjust.

Israel can stop placating the world’s opinion: it costs human lives. Jewish lives.
A few days ago, I wrote a long article for my newspaper in Italy explaining Hamas’ human shields: hospitals, schools, mosques, cemeteries, United Nations’ sites. The readers’ first comment was: “Damned Jews, cancer of the world”.
You cannot placate this madness. It is like a virus. But Israel can stop placating the world’s opinion: it costs human lives. Jewish lives.
The entire world is now dispensing sage advice and is urging Israel to end the “cycle of violence” between the warring parties, as if there was a moral equivalence between beheaders and human beings, between mothers who send their own children to a certain death and mothers who shelter their children in safe rooms.
Who has the right to preach morality and proper conduct to the people of Israel?
Who has earned the political right to sit in judgment upon the Jews and school them in what is right and what is wrong?
Is it the United Nations, an entity which has found its unity only in an embarassing attack upon the Jewish State’s right to exist and to defend itself?
Is it the Europeans who are now living in the houses once owned by Jews?
Should Israel accept moral criticism from France, which capitulated to the Nazis in World War II and hurried to deport its own Jews from Drancy?
Israel is subjected to the sermons of the “moderate” Arab leaders. Even the most “moderate” among them have skeletons in their closets.
Israel and the Jews must stop bowing at the world’s feet. The State of Israel and the Jewish people exist today not only despite the world’s opinion. But even against it.
What person or nation has the credentials to preach morality to Israel? Nobody.

An Arab Pastor Speaks Out on Gaza

Thursday, July 24, 2014 |  David Lazarus
The following is an open letter from Shmuel Aweida to all those "peace activists" rising up against Israel. Listen carefully, as the Israeli Arab pastor of a Hebrew-speaking Israeli Messianic congregation, Awieda is a man who knows of what he speaks!
Dear so-called "peace-seeking people", "pro-ceasefire people" and "peace and reconciliation activists",
Forgive me for not taking your nice dreams and peace demonstrations and wishes so seriously... People who didn't care about the suffering people in Gaza under the Hamas regime for years can't really be considered morally superior to any IDF soldier that's on the ground there now. You might seem to be better and kinder, but not really... Sorry...
If you really care, then free Gaza from Hamas and other Islamic jihadist organizations! How can you feel sorry for the innocent children hurt accidentally by Israel when you don't care that the same children grow up to learn to hate intentionally? You claim to feel sorry for the hungry children while ignoring the poison they are fed every single day at Hamas and Fatah schools and on TV.
How can you feel sorry for the women crying now when you didn't care that they've been humiliated, discriminated and even raped and killed regularly for years?
Here's another thing I don't get:
These kind, sympathetic, peace-loving people who automatically want and pray for a ceasefire in Israel's war(s) against the evil, anti-Semitic, anti-human, blood-thirsty terrorist organizations like Hamas (not against the Palestinians) - they make Israel never finish "the job" and then on the top of it all, their governments and NGOs send billions of dollars of "aid" to this corrupt evil system.
And guess what happens time and again - instead of feeding the hungry with food, they feed themselves with weapons. Instead of teaching the children math, they teach them hate and jihad against the Jews. Instead of building houses and hospitals above the ground, they build terror-tunnels under the ground.
The tunnels found in the past days have cost hundreds of millions of US dollars to build! The IDF blew up millions of your money, dear nice people in the naive West!
I'm not saying that Israel is without any fault here, but sometimes I really wonder if the Palestinians' best friends are in reality the ones that maintain their oppression under this Islamic regime?
I simply don't get it! Someone here needs to get a better grasp of reality!
As much as I hate this war and the price that's being paid by our dear soldiers and the innocent civilians on both sides, I hate the fact that it's necessary! May the needed pain of war bear good fruit of peace for all! May the Lord of Hosts and Armies give us His Shalom!
There has been quite a lot of activity in the social media in the past month. I was disappointed and frustrated of some my Facebook friends and the level of naiveté and blindness with regard to the real situation and the roots of the conflicting the Middle East.
Do they really not see what the Hamas is all about or what Islam really is? Are they all so blind to what's happening around us in Syria, Iraq and all over? Don't they see what Hamas is doing to the poor population that lives under this terror daily? I don't know why I keep being surprised...
To my anti-Arab friends:
But what really surprised me was that, with regard to this operation in Gaza, the hatred, revenge and racism that filled the [Facebook] statuses of those who support Israel.
They expressed such joy over going to war and causing destruction (a joy I'm glad our leadership doesn't have). The fact they quoted Bible verses didn't make it any less stinking. So I threw those people out of my Facebook just like I did with others that posted pornography and other disgusting stuff. Trash is trash is trash.
Praying that God may protect our soldiers who are serving us and giving their lives for us - proud of the moral code of the IDF and the legitimacy of this necessary operation. Praying for those making the tough decisions - but with much more humility.
I guess we need to pray that we'll all guard our hearts from hatred, revenge, racism, pride and other destructive things that do not honor us, nor the God of Israel.

God´ś Mercy

repost from Facebook-
It is not official news yet, but this is what everyone in Israel is talking about: The IDF has arrested Hamas terrorists who have divulged gruesome details on a planned terror attack of immeasurable proportions. Hamas has been planning for over 10 years for this attack which was going to take place on Rosh Hashanah 2014; two months from now. They built an underground tunnel from Gaza directly into Israel with 16 exit points, and on Rosh Hashanah they were going to send over 20 terrorists - dressed as IDF soldiers - out of each one of the exits. Hundreds of terrorists dressed as IDF soldiers were going to infiltrate every town and community in southern Israel, and commit massacres and kidnappings like we've never seen before. God has truly protected His people, at the very last moment before the storm.The people of Israel are celebrating the many miracles that God has been doing for His people. Many spiritual leaders say that our work is to praise God for these miracles and appreciate them; otherwise the miracles will cease, God forbid, and we will be left to 'nature'. 'Praise God, for He is good!!!!' Shabbat Shalom, friends.

'If we don't deal with Gaza tunnels now, these threats will come to us'

07/25/2014 16:00

Operating behind enemy lines, elite Maglan unit has destroyed series of high quality Hamas targets.

Weapons found in a Gazan tunnel July 24
Weapons found in a Gazan tunnel July 24 Photo: IDF
Operating behind enemy lines in Gaza during the conflict with Hamas, the elite Maglan unit has attacked dozens of terrorists cells that fired on the IDF, destroyed areas used to launch rockets at Israel, and killed and injured 40 terrorists in recent days.

A senior source from the unit revealed that its members have targeted Hamas gunmen waiting in ambush for the IDF's Ground Forces, striking the threats right before Israeli forces pass by the ambushes.

The Maglan unit has detected and destroyed forward Hamas posts and rocket launchers. It has detected a cross-border underground attack tunnel leading into Israel from Gaza, and found 20 bomb-laden, booby-trapped homes in Gaza. The unit also uncovered a very large quantity of weapons, and enemy intelligence files in raids.

The source said the unit is operating in a heavily built up area, characterized by residential buildings, orchards surrounded by buildings, and tunnels. Hamas has planted its military assets deep inside the very fabric of Gazan civilian life, he said. "Hamas operatives and area commanders, as well as their rocket cell members, keeps one part of their home for normal family life. A second part of the home is the command center, or the start of a tunnel. Daily life and military infrastructure are totally interwoven," the source said.

"This is the source of the complexity we face in our combat. We must overcome the challenge of differentiating between Hamas and the civilian population," he added. The Maglan unit is meeting the challenge, detecting a series of Hamas assets, he said.

The source added that in recent days, a recognizable wave of demoralization has washed over Hamas's combat battalions. "They simply escape, leaving behind weapons and suicide bomb vests that were laid out for battle. This morning we stormed a position, and they just weren't there. I don't see a determined enemy. We have encountered stronger pockets of fighting in the past. But now, I would not give them a high grade for fighting spirit."

Hamas built a network of tunnels that begin a few kilometers away from the Israeli border, and pass under the frontier, the source said, in a bid to enable dozens of terrorists to infiltrate the country. In response, the IDF has used a wide array of firepower and ground units to tackle the challenge, employing a rapid maneuver to "shatter the enemy and deny it freedom of operation in closed areas, where it is based," he stated.

"We move in as quickly as possible, engage in close combat, and prevent the enemy from using its tunnels to enter our territory," the source said.  He recalled seizing large numbers of weapons, suicide bomb belts, and projectile launchers in recent raids.

 "Hamas has turned tunneling into a national profession. They lean on highly-skilled engineers to do this. We're dealing with all of these threats through close-range combat," the source added.

Working with the Artillery Corps, the infantry brigades, and the air force, the source said the Maglan unit is helping to tear apart Hamas's infrastructure, describing the process as "peeling an onion, layer after layer."

Hamas has built "defensive layers around the tunnels. They have attack positions in mosques, in the homes of operatives, and tunnels that allow terrorists to approach our forces," he said. "That requires very accurate and sometimes aggressive counter-measures by us. I know that all of the IDF's units are accomplishing this mission, even though there are casualties. We understand that if we do not deal with these threats, they will come to our home front. If you talk to members of our unit, it is clear to all of us that we don't take care of this, if we don't destroy these threats and thwart them, they will reach us in a much more aggressive way, and they will harm Israeli civilians and soldiers."

Additionally, the source said, it is "impossible" to demolish the threats via long-range firepower. Only a ground offensive that reaches the tunnel shafts can get the job done, he said. "This shows that despite intelligence, there is no alternative to getting there and destroying targets from up close," the source said.

Hamas has adapted well to Israel's air power by going underground, but "it does not know how to deal with ground units that are storming its assets. We have the upper hand, and this is showing results," he added.

"I have not entered one civilian home that did not have weapons, suicide belts, or booby traps in it. You can see the booby traps from the outside," the source said. Any home found to be containing women and children leads to an immediate halt of the raid, he added. "We hold our fire, there's no question. We don't take chances with children and women. We allow them to leave, and then continue the raid. That's who we are, and this is the source of our strength," he added.

Friday, July 25, 2014

How Israelis Cope With War

A soldier on the border writes:

What's happening here in the staging area [area where soldiers prepare to enter Gaza] is beyond comprehension, not rationally, not emotionally and beggars the imagination.

Almost every hour a car shows up overflowing with food, snacks, cold drinks, socks, underwear, undershirts, hygiene supplies, wipes, cigarettes, backgammon and more. They're coming from the North and the Center, from manufacturers, from companies and private businesses, from prisons, Chareidim and Settlers, from Tel Aviv and even Saviyon.

Every intersection on they way down here we get stopped, not by the police, but be residents giving out food. What is amazing is that the entire situation wasn't organized and everyone is coming on their own without coordination between the folks coming.

They're writing letters and blessings, how they're thinking of us all the time. There are those who spent hours making sandwiches, so they're as perfect and comforting as possible.

Of course representatives of Chabad are here to help soldiers put on Tefillin and distributing Cha'Ta'Ts (Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya) for every troop transport and Breslov are showing up to the border and dancing with the soldiers with great joy.

The Chareidim are coming from their yeshivot to ask the names of the soldiers with their mothers' names so that the whole yeshiva can pray for them. It should be mentioned that all of this is done under the threat of the terrorist tunnels and rockets in the area.
Soroka Hospital (in Be'er Sheva) today looks like a 5 star hotel. A wounded friend who was recently discharged told us how the MasterChef truck is parked outside and is preparing food for the wounded.

It goes without saying the amount of prayer services that are going on. On the religious front as well, there are lectures and Torah classes, all the food is obviously Kosher. Shachrit, Mincha, and Maariv with Sifrei Torah. They're giving out tzitzit and Tehilim by the hundreds. It's become the new fashion! The Rabbi of Maglan [Special Forces unit] told me that almost the entire unit has started wearing them, because the Army Rabbinate has been giving out tzitzit that wick away sweat. They're gaining both a Mitzva and a high quality undershirt. We've started calling them "Shachpatzitzti" (a portmanteau of the Hebrew term for body armor and tzitzit). We're having deep conversations late into the night without arguments, without fights and we find ourselves agreeing on most stuff.

We're making lots of jokes at Hamas's expensive and without politics. There's lots more to add but my battery is running low and the staff has been requesting someone give a class on Likutei MoharaN (Breslov).

How happy is the nation that is like this.
 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, Israel, Gaza, Hamas, missiles, terrorism, terror, Islamism, anti Israel, Palestine, Jews, Jewish culture, martyrs, martyrdom,

Their God Changes the Path of Our Rockets

od Himself.
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” Psalm 122:6
So it comes as no surprise of any kind the current headline out of Gaza where the Hamas rocket launchers are complaining that “their God changes the path of our rockets in mid-air”. That is exactly how the God of the bible operates when His Holy Land is on the line.
As Operation Protective Edge enters into it’s 17th day, the world is slowly but certainly turning against Israel and the right to defend themselves. The prophets of the Old Testament recorded that in the last days the whole world would turn against Israel, and seek to destroy her. Those days are fast approaching, and in the current conflict we see those seeds beginning to sprout.
“Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it for ever. Selah. Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments. Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof. Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following. For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.” Psalm 48
The bible tells us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”, and so we do. Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, is God’s Holy Land, and the Jews His chosen people.
Am Yisrael Chai.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

On the Right Side

I just celebrated my 56th birthday.   In the middle of all the lovely cards, telephone calls and gifts, my eldest son, a soldier in Golani, called to say that he was being sent to Gaza.   Now, my son is not a combat soldier, but even so I suddenly had a large, bitter taste of what it is to be an Israeli parent right now.   I also had a sudden flashback to my childhood when I was a little girl, eight or nine years old.  My father was obsessed with end times and would often say to me.  "Ohhh I wouldn't want to be in Israel in the last days.  The whole world is coming against Israel then, you know."

I had a Bible of my own and I had read quite a bit by that age, and I remember thinking, "Yes, but God is going to be with Israel.  When that happens I want to be in Israel."

Well, I think God must have put that in my heart.  Certainly He heard it and here I am.  When I think about this, I can say with the utmost gratitude, "Thank you, dear Lord, I am right where I want to be.  I am on Your side in Israel" I really do believe we are in the last days.  I am glad I have a son in the Israeli army going to Gaza because if he wasn't, he very well might be on the other side....the side that opposes God.  My son has given his life to Jesus.  He is filled with the Holy Spirit.  When he was sworn into the Israeli army, like all the other soldiers,  he was given a Bible and a gun.  The motto of his unit is a scripture from the is on all the unit flags.   He has been sent to help fight a war and this is his position....on God's side.

Who is on the other side of this war? Who is it that my son and the other Israeli  soldiers are fighting?  They are fighting persons who have given everything they posses for the purpose of killing the Israeli soldier's gray headed mothers and father , their sisters and brothers their wives and their babies.      This enemy is a nation of persons who don't spend their money on homes, businesses, hospitals, education and things to build up their nation and help their families.   They spend their money on guns,ammunition, bombs, missiles, cement for terror tunnels, and other things they can use for the purpose of killing  every Jewish man, woman and child in Israel.    They raise their children to be like them.

We have had well over a hundred soldiers wounded in this battle so far and some of them have been released from the hospital and have come home  with tales that would curl your hair.   Terrorist dressed as women; little children sent out into the streets with guns and orders to fire at the soldiers.   One soldier said, "I had a terrorist charge me with a gun blazing in one hand and a baby in his other arm."

Do you know who is to blame for this? The international community and Israel.   If everyone refused to be manipulated by this evil,  the terrorist  wouldn't be hiding behind women and children or deliberately getting them killed as a battle tactic.  

I have not forgotten what triggered this war.  Terrorist kidnapped and murdered 3 teenage school boys on their way home from school.  I have not forgotten what the mother of one of the kidnappers and murderers said about her son, "If he did this I will praise him to my dying day."   I have not forgotten all the three fingered salutes and gloating over this brutal crime.  I have not forgotten that the murders are still at large and most probably in Gaza.  I have not forgotten how a few years ago they danced on their house tops, passed out candy and cheered while the twin towers in New York burned and crumbled and thousands died.  This is what they do every time they succeed to kill someone or do something evil.  They rejoice in murder.  I have not forgotten....and neither will my God.

I really do think there must be  some innocent civilians in Gaza....but there aren't very many of them and they have to keep the truth about themselves secret. If they don't Hamas and it's Muslim affiliates will quickly and brutally kill them.  May God be merciful to them and get them into a place where they can be rescued by the IDF and gotten out of Gaza.

The Bible says, "He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord." Pro 17:15

By this standard, the God of Israel's standard,  the US and the UN are an abomination to the Lord God of Israel.   So is everyone who justifies what the Palestinians or any other terror group is doing and or aids them in their evil works.   It doesn't need to be said, but I'll say it anyway.  If you are an abomination to the Lord, you are on the wrong side.

 The Muslims, and atheist are going to have a huge shock when the Messiah of Israel shows up.   Unfortunately most Christians are in for as huge a shock as well.  The first time Jesus came to earth He came to redeem us from sin, and ourselves by dying in our place. When He comes back He will be coming with vengeance to slay the wicked and set up His kingdom.   I don't expect he will have much tolerance for a modern church that has decided  He loves homosexuals  and hates Jews, among other heretical things.

I don't know what will happen in Gaza, today or tomorrow.  But I know that it is the God of Israel, ultimately, who prevail and it is His words that are important.  I'm going to listen to Him and I am going to repeat what He says.

"But you, Israel, are My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham, My friend.  You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest regions, and said to you, "You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away;  Fear not, for I am with  you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.   

Behold, all those who strive with you shall perish.  You shall seek them and not find them-  Those who contended with you, those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing.  For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not, I will help you.

Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel|!  I will help you," says the Lord and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.   "Behold, I will make you into a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth;  you shall thresh the mountains and beat them small, and make the hills like chaff.  You shall winnow them, the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them; you shall rejoice in the Lord, and glory in the Holy One of Israel."    Is.41:8-16


Monday, July 14, 2014

Belvoir.. overlooking the Jordan Valley

Above It

This is my first entry in my new blog and I am resolved to begin it with a new approach.   Somewhere in the middle to this hot summer in Israel with its kidnappings, murders,rockets and misery I feel like I have crossed a line.   It is a good line to cross. I hope that I will have the wisdom to stay on this side of it.  A certain lightness has come over my heart and I can breathe without fear of suffocation, as I stand up a little taller on Godś precious Galilean Hills.   I know that He has set me and His little nation of Israel above the opinions of the world.

There is one opinion that matters; the opinion of the God of Heaven who is the God of Israel.   Last night I watched a full moon rise over the Golan Heights and hang in splendid luminosity over the Jordan Valley.  The heavens were full of His glory and the earth below my feet was full of His faithfulness.   There were the twinkling lights of Afikim, Beit Zera, Ashdod Yaacov, Shaar HaGolan and dozens of other settlements and towns.  God brought his Jewish people from all over the world and planted them  in this land, just like He said He would.  

With sweeping certainty I knew as I stood there last night that I am blessed beyond all measure to be a witness  to His faithfullness.   ¨Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for a light by day, the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, who disturbs the sea, and its waves roar (The Lord of Hosts is His name.)  If those ordinances depart from before Me, says the Lord, then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before Me forever."Thus says the Lord;  ¨If heaven above can be measured, and the foundation of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, says the Lord.¨ Jermiah 31:35

Foolish men full of hatred and their foolish words will never prevail over this God.  He sits in his heaven and laughs (Psalm 2)  so it is right that today I should live above it all as His child, look up at Him and rejoice!

Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle- my lovingkindness and my fortress, my hightower and my deliverer, my shield and the one in whom I take refuge, who subdues the peoples under me.  Psalm 144:1-2