Tuesday, September 2, 2014

As America Has Done to Israel by John Mcternan

Zephaniah 2:8,9 I have heard the reproach of Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon, whereby they have reproached my people, and magnified themselves against their border. Therefore as I live, saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a perpetual desolation: the residue of my people shall spoil them, and the remnant of my people shall possess them.
It is very clear from the Bible that God does not want any nation to alter or touch the borders of Israel. God gave this land to the Jews by an everlasting covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There are warnings of destruction for touching these borders.
Since 1991, every US president pressured Israel to divide the land and Jerusalem. America greatly suffered with awesome disasters hitting America at the very time of this pressure. I document this in my book As America Has Done to Israel.
It seems this pressure by America is now coming to a head. At the very time Kerry is pressuring Israel to divide the land and Jerusalem, there are reports of ISIS coming across the US southern border to attack America. In light of the timing of this event, I believe in the near future a massive terrorist attack is going to strike America at the very time Obama is pressuring Israel to divide the land and especially Jerusalem. All of God’s warning signs are now pointing to this.
Malachi 1:4,5 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever. And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel.
Are you spiritually prepared for what is coming to America?
1Thess 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border 08/29/14 Did God raise up Obama to open America’s southern border for judgment? It appears this is the case.
“Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.  Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.”
What will happen to America when they meet to divide Israel?
What will happen to America when they meet to divide Israel?
Abbas Says US Agreed to ‘Palestine’ Along ’67 Borders’ 08/29/14 Watch what happens when Kerry goes to Israel to pressure for the dividing of the land. America is now all set up for judgment.
“Abbas’s actual statements from the recent interview were that the US expressed its support for establishing a Palestinian state along the “1967 borders,” adding that all that was left was to sketch up the final border lines, The clarification that the US agreed to establishing “Palestine” along the “1967 borders” in fact does not signify such a major change of rhetoric from US President Barack Obama’s administration. Back in 2011, Obama said in a speech “we believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.” In that same speech, he said “Palestinians…(have been) suffering the humiliation of occupation.”
Online posts show ISIS eyeing Mexican border 08/29/14 God warned America over and over of the coming judgment, but so few listened. It is as if, collectively, the believers in America lost the fear of God.
Joel 3:19,20 Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land. But Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.

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