Friday, September 26, 2014

Looking For the Signs of His Coming

Rosh HaShana 2014
by Virginia Labounty

Today was this year's Feast of the Memorial of Trumpets, renamed by the orthodox Jews as “Rosh Hashana”. In a typically human move, men have taken the focus of this day....the first day of the seventh month, away from trumpets being blown to dipping apples in honey!

I think Satan doesn't want us listening or watching for those trumpets. I am ashamed to admit that only yesterday, after years of reading the Bible did I notice that Paul in 1 Corinthian 15:52 writes specifically, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

Last, of trumpets. “What is God annually reminding us of,,” I wondered. Where else in the Bible does it talk about trumpets? In Revelation, of course, chapters 8-11. Seven trumpets are mentioned and at the last trumpet a loud voice from heaven declares, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”

I looked back through the other six trumpets and sighed. We have a lot to go through before that last trumpet, brothers and sisters. I believe God wants us aware of the results of those other six trumpets because we will be here to see them. We probably won't hear those trumpets until that last one is blown, but we will see the results if we look for them.

We may have to look very hard to see them. We live in a world where a Christian is killed every 5 minutes simply because they believe in Jesus Christ......approximately 100,000 a year and it is being done almost silently. Most people who do not live in Arab dominated countries are quite unaware of it or are indifferent to it. The western church is so clueless about this that many are still pushing the doctrine of a pretribulation rapture. Dear ones, 100,000 of your brothers and sisters being, decapitated, crucified, raped, burned and otherwise tortured to death per year is a tribulation and one that I fear will very soon be at our door.

A world that can cover up mass murder like that is not going to admit on front pages that 1/3 of the fish in the sea have died, or that 1/3 of the fresh water in the world is so polluted that it is making people sicken and die if they drink it. We need to open our eyes, open our Bibles,believe God and be ready to either die for the one who died for us or to endure to the end when that last trumpet sounds.

I was thinking today about the birth of Jesus. How many people were watching for that event? How many studied the scriptures and watched the skies for signs of his coming like the Magi, Simeon and Anna? How many people lived through those amazing 33 years and never even knew that the son of God had come? Sadly most of the world's population did not know a thing about it, yet he came, lived, died for all of mankind and rose again anyway.

God has told mankind events that will happen in the Bible. No matter how little it is understood or studied or how preposterously it is twisted and misinterpreted, God events will take place in His order and time. They do not need us noticing them to be fulfilled. I personally find that a very unnerving thought. That I could live through many of the amazing events of Revelation and be as totally unaware of it as the majority of the Jewish people were unaware of the birth, life and death of their Messiah!

I don't want to be surprised when Jesus shows up. I don't want to have to say to him, “Gee, you are already here? All those things you said would happen before you came already have happened? I guess I wasn't sufficiently interested in you to notice.” God forbid. I am so longing for him. I can't wait for the day he arrives. It is this that compels me to study the scriptures, especially the prophecies. As it is written in Revelation 22:7 “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

Shana Tova

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