Thursday, October 30, 2014

Gathering Clouds

I went for a walk with my daughter this morning, up a dusty road to the top of the hill where we can see the incredible panorama of the Sea of Galilee, the Golan, and he Lower Galilee. It was a beautiful morning with a clear blue, blue sky and large, fluffs of clouds floating above the western horizon. Tomorrow the rain is supposed to begin to fall and after that the flocks of black and white storks will cross over our village by the thousands, calling plaintively as they wheel about in the sky waiting for the stragglers in this mass migration to catch up. I love this time in Israel....but then, I love all time in Israel.

With this beauty, and all of the peace of nature around us, there is a choking, ominous feeling in the air. A brother in the Messiah said he had an overwhelming sense that something very evil is is near. I know it is subjective, but I personally have not felt this kind of dread since just before the three teenagers were kidnapped and murdered. It is a time to walk especially close to God.

This morning a terrorist rode up on a motorcycle and shot a Rabbi in Jerusalem in the chest several times. The Rabbi, Yehuda Glick, is one of the Jews actively working for the right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, which the Arabs have violently declared to be their exclusive right. I am continually reminded of the admonition of Paul the Apostele in his 2nd letter to the Thessolinians, ¨Let no one deceive you by any means,that Day (the day of our LordÅ› return) will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 2V3

This is going to happen and this is the reason why the Arabs want Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. They plan for it to be a throne for their Mahdi.......who is probably the anti christ. In conjunction with the terrorist attempt to murder this Rabbi and the Palestinian organization, Islamic Jihad taking full credit for it, this morning Sweden announced that they will officially recognize the Palestinians and Hamas as a State. I have a feeling that God just marked a large red X across the land of Sweden. Goodbye  Sweden, I´m glad I don´t live in you!

Dear brothers and sisters. Let no one, by any means deceive you. The world is saturated with deception and lies. We must see to it that we stand for truth.....which contrary to the belief of most, does exist in the person and Spirit of God and in His Word. I advise you to become a serious student of the Bible and in particular of Biblical prophecy, and to ask the Holy Spirit to be your teacher.

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