Saturday, October 4, 2014

Is Jesus' Prophetic Promise of End Times Soon to be Fulfilled?

Aimee Herd : Oct 3, 2014 : News Staff – CBN News

"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." –(Matthew 24:14)
According to Wycliffe CEO and President, Bob Creson, the finish line for the goal of having the Good News preached to all nations is not far away, and could be fulfilled in our lifetime. (Photo via Wycliffe)
Using technology, Wycliffe Bible Translators are getting close to having the Gospel translated into every known language.

"We really believe that in ten or twelve years—the final translation programs will be started," said Creson. "That last translator for that last translation program is alive and somewhere in the world today."

Creson added that Wycliffe is inviting people to come alongside with the ministry to "finish the Bible translation task in our lifetime."

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