Sunday, November 2, 2014

Don't Fall Away; Stand Up!

We live in an age of powerful intimidation by evil; a twisted age of limitless support for the perverted, the base and the wicked, but zero tolerance for anything that is innocent, good or Godly. 

Let one word of support be set forth for God, Christ or the Jews and one is met with a blaze of fury; a hatred deep, hot and hellish that will not rest until the speaker is destroyed; preferably as painfully as possible. 

In the face of such evil, those who love their own lives first, last and most,  will compromise, bow, submit, shut up and fall away from the kingdom of God and be eternally lost.

Oh, but dear ones.  Is it not a time to lay down our lives for the one who laid his life down for us?  God grant that with courage you and I   will stand with the assurance of three lads in old Babylon, who understood this principal.  They did not bow, they did not compromise and they said, "We don't need to be careful about what we say.  We declare boldly that we serve our God.   He can deliver us from you if he wants, but if He doesn't,  He is God still and we will not bow to you or your idol."

May we understand in our day what another son of God knew when he faced the evil of his day and said, "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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