Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Our Hope and Our Faith Part 1
1 Peter 1:20-21,
“He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was
manifest in these last times for you who through Him believe in God who raised
Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.”
all of this century and the better part of last century there has been an
unabashed, enthusiastic, and merciless assault on the Christ, the singularity
of Him, the nature of Him, the uniqueness of Him, and the divinity of Him.
without and from within the church, wherever you turn nowadays there is someone
somewhere eager to besmirch the name Jesus, to minimize His importance in our
redemption, to lower Him to nothing more than a nice guy who said quaint things
that made a lot of sense, but nowhere near the only begotten Son of God through
whom we come to believe and have life everlasting.
today are no longer servants of Christ, they are spiritual people, with spiritual
awareness, and spiritual sensitivity,
who are open to the possibility of there being many paths to God, and even to
their being many gods in what we, as open minded global citizens, have come to
term Zion, paradise, heaven, Valhalla, Nirvana, Arcadia, Elysium, bliss, or the
Promised Land, depending on your flavor of spirituality
and the doctrine you’ve formulated all by your lonesome regarding the
god gets a patch of real estate wherein they entertain their most loyal of
servants, and rather than hold true to the Biblical edict that there is but one
God and one heaven, we’re teaching people that it’s more like the United States
of Paradise than one singular place.
the devil is fighting this hard at trying to accomplish something for so long,
in this case minimizing the need for Jesus, our first and most important
questions must be, why?
devil is not your friend. He is not trying to expand your thinking, he is not
trying to make you a better individual, nor is he attempting to make you more
tolerant and all-embracing for your spiritual betterment. So why is he trying
so hard to do away with Jesus?
he knows the truth of what Peter asserts, a truth much of the church seems to
have chosen to ignore, the very true reality that it is through Christ that we
come to believe in God.
Jesus, there is no path to God. Without Jesus, there is no way, there is no
truth, and subsequently there is no life.
enemy has one purpose, and that is to keep as many of God’s creation out of the
place Jesus went to prepare for those who believe. He will do all that is in
his power to do, he will lie, cajole, misrepresent, obfuscate, omit, and pull
every underhanded trick you could possibly imagine and twice as many that you
likely couldn’t, to derail you from the path, and compromise you in some manner
or fashion.
believe that the enemy is giving advice to Christians out of the goodness of
his heart and because he is such a magnanimous fellow, is as funny and simultaneously
impossible as one political party giving sage advice to the other as to how
they could better win elections.
who shoot themselves in the foot are not long for this world, and the enemy’s
been around long enough to know better.
With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
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