I am tired. The heat, the hatred, the insanity has gotten to me.
I'm tired of this stupid world that loves perverts, baby murderers, mass rapists and anything foul that defies the only good, true, righteous loving God and tramples His laws.
I'm tired of wicked laws calling good evil and evil good. I'm tired of all the left wing news twisting peoples minds with a steady diet of propaganda. And I'm tired of the passive public that swallows it down and spits it back out without thinking.
I am tired of demonic hypocrisy in the world's leaders.
I am going to stay away from the news and all the Jew/Israel bashing and the foaming and the frothing bubbling up from hell itself right now. There is not one word or rock being thrown from a clean hand.
I've got a God who is good. I'm going to listen to His news, be refreshed by His truth and appreciate Him more than ever.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Op-Ed: The Islamic World Sees that Violence Works Against Jews
The Beit El destruction did not occur in a vacuum. The Islamic world is watching.
Published: Friday, July 31, 2015 9:51 AM
Beit El's latest disaster follows Gush Katif, Sa-Nur, Amona, Beit Hashalom, Migron, the hilltop destructions and more.
same script everywhere: the same policemen attacking other Jews, the
same Defense Ministry calling for "restraint", the same PM then ordering
permits to build more units, the same leftist and arrogant MKs dribbling for an intra-Jewish war, the same High Court siding with Muslim lies.
A Jewish State should not demolish Jewish houses in the place named for where Jacob had the vision of the ladder.
And the same terrible mistakes. A Jewish State should not demolish Jewish houses in the place named for where Jacob had the vision of the ladder. A Jewish army should not be used to deport the most brave Jews. A Jewish Supreme Court should not abandon its most idealistic citizens.
We should have seen a massive protest in Beit El and IDF soldiers refusing to obey orders but forming a chain to protect those buildings.
These days, one year after the war in Gaza and a horrible nuclear deal with Iran, it seems that Israeli MK's, Mossad
officials, Israeli journalists and writers, the Shin Bet and the IDF
commanders are more interested in destroying two buildings in Beit El
than in stopping the Iranian nuclear facilities. How brave they are to
use force against the Jews and not against those who throw stones
at pregnant Jewish drivers.
But more generally,
what we saw in Beit El sent a very clear subliminal message to the
Islamic world. When the Arab Muslims see another Jewish capitulation in
Beit El, they have great reasons to doubt the entire Zionist project.
Let's only hope the Jewish people next time will refuse to be subjugated to lies
and hate. And the biggest lie is the idea of having stolen the land
from the Arabs. Every inch of that land is not part of the Islamic umma,
it is Eretz Israel. Period.
Meanwhile, a tragic
event happened last night and a Palestinian Arab toddler died after
arsonists set his house ablaze. The world, the entire political spectrum
and the media immediately condemned the terrible attack. A month ago,
Malachi Rosenfeld, a young Jew returning from a basketball game, was murdered by Hamas in the same area. About his killing, there was only silence - or understanding. Another reason the Islamic world sees that violence works against Jews.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Op-Ed: Straight Talk: The World has just Abandoned Israel and the Jews
The Iranian threat to expunge Israel is not a joke to be treated with indulgence.
Published: Friday, July 17, 2015 9:29 AM
The Palais Coburg, the luxurious hotel in Vienna where the West signed the agreement on the nuclear issue of Iran, is located in a particular square. It is named after Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism.
History has a more developed sense of irony than the Western leaders who capitulated to Tehran. Because a nuclearized Iran would mean the end of Zionism.
We don’t know if Iran will actually manufacture the Islamic nuclear bomb. We don’t know if Israel will use its military power to stop it. But we certainly know that the world has just abandoned the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
The US abandoned it. The US, which didn’t rescue the Jews during the Holocaust and didn’t help the Jews defend themselves during the 1948 war of survival and independence when they were attacked by five Arab armies. Barack Obama showed his real face by preferring Islam to Israel and Western civilization.
The UK abandoned it. The UK, which used the “White Paper” during the Second World War to prevent the Jews from reaching Tel Aviv and saving themselves from the gas chambers.
The European Union abandoned it. The same Europe on whose soil Hitler planned the extermination of one third of the world’s Jewry.
The Western conscience abandoned it.
In their hearts they think that Israel is a burden...
The State of Israel, this Western enclave stuck in the Islamic umma, 900 kilometers of borders without natural protection, has always needed international solidarity. It can not exist, except as a Masada, without the affection of Western civil society.
Now we neither see nor hear in the newspapers and on television voices in favor of Israel, empathy for its anxieties and understanding of its reasoning. Very few are openly saying that Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself and that the Iranian threat to expunge it from the family of nations is not a joke to be welcomed with indulgence or indifference.
That has always been the beauty of the testimony in favor of Israel’s right to exist, that it cannot be characterized by instrumentality or the spirit of partisanship and political advantage. Israel was “a non-partisan issue”. But it is not any more.
Today it seems that for many journalists, men of letters and Western politicians, commentators in newspapers and on television, it is much more comfortable to stay in perfect harmony with the emotions and the reasoning of international public opinion, which gloats in satisfaction before this horrible deal. To praise the appeasement of Iran’s Islamic Revolution and to forget Israel.
Europe and America signed this deal to follow their cynical economic interests. Europe wanted to open the Iranian market. The world is interested in money, not in Israel. I will go even farther: in their hearts they think that Israel is a burden and that the Middle East would be much more peaceful without a Jewish State.
The Iranians and the Islamic world will do everything in their power to destroy the Jewish State, and after Vienna they know that many nations will not shed a tear if Israel disappears.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
History Repeats Itself With Iran’s Nuclear Deal
In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave his famous “Peace In Our Time” speech, jubilantly waving a signed promise from Adolf Hitler not to invade Poland. Just a few months later, WWII began with Germany’s invasion of Poland.
In 1994, US President Bill Clinton bragged that paperwork had been signed guaranteeing that North Korea would not obtain nuclear weapons. Within just a few short years, North Korea became a nuclear power.
In 2015, US President Barack Obama gushed to the press that a deal had just been signed preventing the terror-state of Iran from obtaining the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. With history as a guide, Obama’s deal is a guarantee that Iran will go nuclear sooner rather than later.
As Obama Pushes Nuclear Deal, Iran Says ‘We Will Trample America’
A senior Iranian cleric delivered Friday prayers in Tehran while standing behind a podium that declared, “We Will Trample Upon America,” according to photos released by Iran’s state-controlled media.
Iranian cleric Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani, who was handpicked by the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader to deliver the prayers, delivered a message of hostility toward the United States in the first official remarks since a final nuclear deal was signed between Iran and world powers in Vienna last week.Friday prayers are known for being officially sanctioned by the state and a sign of the supreme leader’s thinking on various issues. Analysts who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about the anti-American tone of last week’s prayers said it is a sign Tehran believes it bested the United States in the talks.
“The slogans of the Iranian nation on Al-Quds Day show what [Iran’s] position is,” said the Middle East Media Research Institute. “The slogans ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ have resounded throughout the country, and are not limited to Tehran and the other large cities. The entire country is under the umbrella of this great movement [of ‘Death to America’].”
The nuclear accord has already been subjected to much criticism by lawmakers and experts who maintain that Iran will be permitted to keep its core nuclear structure in tact while receiving billions of dollars in economic sanctions relief.The deal also lifts international bans of Iran’s ballistic missile program, as well as restrictions on its ability to purchase conventional military arms on the open market. Iran’s defense minister on Monday said the deal also will prohibit all foreigners from inspecting Iran’s “defensive and missile capabilities” at sensitive military sites.
“Missile-related issues have never been on agenda of the nuclear talks and the Islamic system will resolutely implement its programs in this field,” Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan was quoted as saying on Monday following a meeting with Iran’s defense ministry.
U.S. officials are being deceptive when they claim that international inspectors will have full access to Iran’s key military sites, Dehqan said.
“The U.S. officials make boastful remarks and imagine that they can impose anything on the Iranian nation because they lack a proper knowledge of the Iranian nation,” he was quoted as saying.Dehqan went on to claim that Americans must “realize that they are not the world’s super power and no one recognizes them as such any longer.” Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser and expert on rogue regimes, said that the official remarks by Iranian officials and clerics are meant to mock the Obama administration.
Supreme Leader Ali “Khamenei is toying with Obama right now, humiliating him, but Obama is too self-absorbed to realize it,” Rubin said. “The best analogy to this would be if Roosevelt made peace with Hirohito who gave a speech under the banner ‘We will bomb Pearl Harbor anyway.’”
“There’s a reason why Obama doesn’t want Congress to see the agreement,” Rubin added. “That is because to examine the agreement is to recognize that it’s more an unconditional surrender than an arms control agreement.” source
How and why to kill the deal
Speaking Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation, Ignatius equivocated that on the one hand, “My takeaway [from Kerry] is that the details of this deal are pretty solid, that it’s been carefully negotiated, that it will hold up for 10 years or more.”
On the other hand, he said, “Netanyahu is right. Iran is a dangerous destabilizing force in the Middle East. So somehow good policy seems to me to use the deal to cap the nuclear threat that Iran would pose for 10 years but work on that other problem.”
Ignatius’s remarks serve to justify supporting the deal. After all, if Obama’s agreement caps Iran’s nuclear program for 10 years, then it’s a good thing. As for the other stuff, it can be dealt with separately.
Unfortunately, while eminently reasonable sounding, Ignatius’s analysis is incorrect. Kerry’s details of the deal are beside the point. The big picture is the only thing that matters. That picture has two main points.
First, the deal guarantees that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. Second, it gives $150 billion to the mullahs.
The details of the deal – the number of centrifuges that keep spinning, the verification mechanisms, the dispute resolution procedures, etc. – are all debatable, and largely irrelevant, at least when compared to the two irrefutable aspects of the big picture.
According to the administration, today Iran needs a year to use the nuclear materials it is known to possess to make a nuclear bomb. Other sources claim that Iran requires several months to accomplish the task.
Since these materials will remain in Iran’s possession under the deal, if Iran abandons the agreement, it will need at most a year to build nuclear weapons.
Then there are the unknown aspects of Iran’s nuclear program. We must assume that Iran has ongoing covert nuclear operations in unknown installations through which it has acquired unknown capabilities.
These capabilities will likely reduce the time Iran requires to make bombs.
Under the deal, the US and its negotiating partners are required to protect Iran’s nuclear assets from sabotage and other forms of attack. They are required as well to teach Iran how to develop and use more advanced centrifuges. As a consequence, when the agreement expires, Iran will be able to build nuclear bombs at will.
If Iran remains a threat, the deal bars the US from taking any steps to counter it aside from all-out war.
The agreement ends the international sanctions regime against Iran. With the sanctions goes any prospect of an international coalition joining forces to take military action against Iran, if Iran does walk away from the deal. So sanctions are gone, deterrence is gone. And that leaves only war.
In other words, far from diminishing the chance of war, the deal makes it inevitable that Iran will get the bomb or there will be a full scale war, or both.
Then there is the jackpot payback.
Who knows? Maybe the mullahs will use their $150b. to finance new women’s universities in Tehran and Mashhad, and a seminary for Islamic liberalism in Qom.
Or maybe the money will be used to fund insurgencies and proxy wars and terror campaigns throughout the region and the world.
The extraordinary thing about the deal is that the only person who gets a say in how that money is spent is Iran’s dictator Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. And Khamenei has been pretty clear about how he intends to use the cash.
In back to back anti-American rants on Friday and Saturday, Khamenei repeatedly threatened the US and extolled calls for its destruction. Speaking in front of a banner at Friday prayers which declared “We will trample America,” Khamenei praised calls for “Death to America.”
Saturday he promised to continue to fund and sponsor terrorism and proxy wars. Just as notably, he refused to commit to upholding the nuclear deal with the US and the other five powers.
As far as the Obama administration is concerned, now that the UN Security Council has anchored the agreement in a binding resolution and so given the force of international law to a deal that guarantees Iran will receives the bomb and $150b., the deal is done. It cannot be walked back.
But this is not necessarily true. Congress may have more power than it realizes to kill the deal before Iran gets the money and before its other provisions are implemented.
Over the months leading up to the conclusion of negotiations last Tuesday, Obama refused to acknowledge that he was negotiating a treaty. Rather he said it was nothing more than an executive agreement.
Consequently, he argued, the US Senate’s sole authority to ratify treaties by two-thirds majority would be inapplicable to the deal with Iran.
Obama also said he would further sideline Congress by anchoring the deal in a binding UN Security Council resolution. This resolution would force Obama’s successor to uphold the deal after he leaves office.
Obama mitigated his position slightly when Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, drafted the Corker-Cardin bill with veto-proof majorities in both houses. The bill, which Obama reluctantly signed into law, requires Obama to submit the deal to an up or down vote in both houses. If more than two thirds of Senators and Congressmen oppose it, then the US will not abrogate its unilateral sanctions against Iran.
In other words, Obama agreed that if Congress turned the Constitution on its head by replacing the two-thirds Senate majority required to approve a treaty with a two-thirds bicameral majority necessary to disapprove his executive agreement – then he wouldn’t go to the Security Council until after Congress voted.
When Obama betrayed his pledge and went to the Security Council on Monday, he gave Congress an opening to reconsider its position, ditch the restrictive Corker-Cardin law and reassert the Senate’s treaty approving authority.
As former US federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy argued in National Review last week, by among other things canceling the weapons and missile embargoes on Iran, the six-power deal with Iran went well beyond the scope of the Corker-Cardin law, which dealt only with nuclear sanctions relief. As a consequence, Congress can claim that there is no reason to invoke it.
Rather than invoke Corker-Cardin, Congress can pass a joint resolution determining that the deal with Iran is a treaty and announce that pursuant to the US Constitution, the Senate will schedule a vote on it within 30 days. Alternatively, Congress can condition the Iran deal’s legal stature on the passage of enabling legislation – that requires simple majorities in both houses.
Dan Darling, foreign policy adviser to Republican Senator and presidential hopeful Rand Paul wrote Monday that senators can use Senate procedure to force the Foreign Relations Committee to act in this manner. Darling argued that House Speaker John Boehner can either refuse to consider the deal since it is a treaty, or insist on passing enabling legislation under normal legislative procedures.
Monday Netanyahu explained that by keeping US sanctions in force, Congress can limit Iran’s capacity to move beyond the current sanctions regime even after it is canceled. Every state and firm considering business opportunities with Tehran will have to weigh them against the opportunity cost of being barred from doing business with the US.
Iran for its part may walk away from the deal entirely if Congress acts in this manner. If it does, then the US will not be obligated by any of the deal’s requirements. The continued viability of the Security Council resolution will be something for the lawyers to argue over.
The devil in Obama’s deal with Iran is not in the mind-numbing details, but in the big picture. The deal guarantees Iran will get the bomb. It gives the Iranian regime $150b.
To secure these concessions, Obama has trampled congressional authority.
If the American people think this doesn’t advance their national interest, they should encourage their congressional representatives to ditch Corker-Cardin and use their full authority, as a co-equal branch of the government, to scupper it.
Monday, July 20, 2015
The ICC declares war on Israel
July 16, 2015, 10:32 pm
The Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court, for the first time in its history, has ordered
the ICC Prosecutor to pursue an investigation she has decided to close.
The Chamber ruled that the Prosecutor was wrong to close the
preliminary investigation into war crimes charges against Israel for
crimes allegedly committed in boarding the Mavi Marmara and other
vessels during the flotilla incident of 2010.
The ruling of the Pre-Trial Chamber is remarkable.
It holds that the Prosecutor should have taken
into account facts and actions that are outside the jurisdiction of the
court in deciding whether to bring charges.
It holds that the Prosecutor should assume the
truth of even the wildest accusations in deciding whether to bring
charges; in other words, there should be an irrebuttable presumption of
guilt in the preliminary investigation stage.
And most shockingly, it holds that crimes have
sufficient gravity to interest the court, even if they have very few
actual victims, as long as they are widely covered by the media, and are
subject to a lot of political activity at the UN.
Needless to say, none of these holdings are
accompanied by any citation to precedent. That’s because they are
without any precedent.
And it’s a safe bet that last two of these
“rules” will never be applied to any non-Jewish, non-Israeli defendant.
That’s because the rules, if universally applied, would require the
Prosecutor to investigate thousands of non-crimes every year, making the
prosecution of real crime impossible. And it would make the Prosecutor
throw away legal standards and make her choices based on the most
political UN proceedings.
One of the Pre-Trial Chamber’s three members,
Judge Péter Kovács, addresses the issues far more persuasively in
his dissent to the ruling. First, Judge Kovács points out, it requires
serious distortion of both the facts and the law to come to the
conclusion that Israel committed any crimes at all. As Kovács noted,
“The injuries sustained by the individuals on board the Mavi Marmara
were apparently incidental to lawful action taken in conjunction with
protection of the blockade.” Kovács observes, “a ship that is
non-violent and not resisting may nonetheless be captured because of its
attempting to breach a blockade. It is clear that not only was it the
Mavi Marmara’s intention to breach the blockade, but this was its main
purpose, as an act of protest. With this in mind, Israeli forces had a
right to capture the vessel in protection of their blockade. … Faced
with a potential breach of the blockade, the IDF acted out of
Moreover even if Israeli actions in stopping
the flotilla were criminal, they are outside the jurisdiction of the
court, because they are of insufficient “gravity.” The “gravity” rule
states that the Court should only pursue the largest and most serious
international crimes. It is clear that if there were any Israeli crimes
here, they were not of that magnitude.
As Kovács writes, “Upon comparison, for
instance, between the number of deaths in the flotilla incident with the
number of murders and serious injuries which prompted [the] Pre-Trial
Chamber [] to authorize, by majority, the Prosecutor to open an
investigation into the situation in the Republic of Kenya, one may
observe a huge discrepancy. The violence in the Kenya situation resulted
in the death of about 1,220 and the serious injury of 3,561 persons in
six out of the eight Kenyan provinces.” Kovacs concludes that it is
doubtful that “the death of ten persons and the injury of 55 others in
the context described in the Prosecutor’s report and the Comoros
submission is sufficiently grave to warrant the opening of an
investigation into this situation.”
What does it say that Pre-Trial Chamber is so
willing to set aside its own precedent, the law and the facts in order
to order the Prosecutor to jump back into the anti-Israel investigation?
Sadly, the conclusion is clear.
The ICC, like altogether too many other
international institutions that claim to protect law and justice, is
just another political institution. And like all those other political
international institutions, it is all too ready to fabricate new and
uniquely harsh standards of “law” to apply only to the detriment of the
Jewish state, and to fabricate facts to find the leaders and Jewish
citizens of the Jewish state guilty of all manner of horrible crimes.
The PLO, calling itself “the state of
Palestine,” recently joined the ICC for the sole purpose of getting the
court to prosecute Israeli leaders. Legal observers doubted that the PLO
move could succeed. They noted that the PLO is not actually a state,
and cannot confer jurisdiction on the court. They noted, as well, that
Israel has a system for prosecuting its own criminals, so even if the
PLO move were effective, the court would lack jurisdiction, since it can
only prosecute where a state lets criminals run free. They noted that
the alleged Israeli crimes lack the gravity to be prosecuted by the
court. And they noted that jumping into the Arab-Israeli conflict would
over-politicize a court that is already criticized for selective
But it seems that the court — or at least the
Pre-Trial Chamber — views politicization as an attraction, rather than a
flaw. Enough that the Chamber finds cases to have great gravity, not on
the basis of legally relevant facts, but on the basis of political
pronouncements. Enough that the Chamber wants to run forward on an
investigation that will lead to criminal charges that are laughable.
It is now clear where the PLO’s joining the
court will lead. Palestinian terrorists and war criminals will continue
to enjoy absolute impunity. The ICC will earn its reputation as another
failed hope for international law, and another embarrassing institution
devoted to persecuting the Jewish state. And Israeli Jews will once
again find themselves in a world where it is criminal simply to exist,
and where stepping foot in the wrong country means instant arrest.
'West Promised to Defend Iran's March to the Bomb'
diplomat in Prime Minister's Office fumes at Iran deal clause, in which
West vows to train Tehran to block Israeli nuclear sabotage.
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 7/20/2015, 9:44 AM
Binyamin Netanyahu
Hadas Parush/Flash 90
"The US needs to defend Iran from an attack on its march to an Iranian (nuclear) bomb, because of the excuse that the nuclear (facilities) are for civilian purposes?," fumed a senior Israeli diplomat at the Prime Minister's Office quoted by Israel Hayom.
Significantly, all of Iran's nuclear facilities are classified as civilian, regardless of the actual covert activities being conducted at the sites.
As revealed by Arutz Sheva last Wednesday, article 10 on page 142 of the 159-page deal contains a highly problematic clause, according to which the "E3/EU+3" - another designation for the P5+1 countries consisting of the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia and China, as well as the EU - will train Iran to block sabotage.
In the deal the world powers obligate to "co-operation in the form of training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran's ability to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems."
Leaving no doubts about the intentions, the text then promises "co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage."
The promise is particularly problematic given a number of cyber sabotage attempts that have successfully halted Iran's presumed march to the nuclear bomb - most famously the 2010 Stuxnet virus - in cyber attacks popularly attributed to Israel as well as US President Barack Obama.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) in May 2012 indirectly hinted that Israel may have been behind a computer virus that followed Stuxnet and was launched against Iran, known as the "Flame" malware.
Making the Western training of Iran to block sabotage all the more significant is the fact that a military option to take out Iran's nuclear program is seen as becoming increasingly more difficult, particularly after a top Iranian general announced last week that Iran will unveil new missile defense systems in September including its own version of the Russian advanced S-300 system.
It has been warned that the advanced systems would be able to block an Israeli or American airstrike aiming to take out Iran's covert nuclear program that reportedly is aiming to build a nuclear arsenal.
Right from Wrong: A deal with the devil
Unable to contain his joy at having brought the “Great Satan” America to its knees – during Ramadan, no less – he began by paying tribute to Islam and the legacy of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, the father of the Iranian Revolution in 1979.
“Peace and blessings upon the pure souls of the prophets and the holy men, the great Prophet of Islam [Muhammad], the imams, the imam of the martyrs [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini], and the exalted martyrs, especially the nuclear [scientists], and peace and blessings upon the Hidden Imam,” he said.
In his long and detailed speech, the English translation of which was provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute, Rouhani extolled Iranian negotiators for having held out against the West. He also took the opportunity, as a member of the “pragmatic” camp in Iran, to say “we told you so” to the “ideological camp,” which had strongly opposed negotiating with the West in the first place.
Spelling out Iran’s accomplishments in Vienna, Rouhani said, “[W]e aspired to achieve four goals: The first was to continue the nuclear capabilities, the nuclear technology, and even the nuclear activity. The second was to remove the mistaken, oppressive and inhuman sanctions. The third was to remove the Security Council resolutions that we see as illegitimate. The fourth was to remove the nuclear dossier from Chapter VII of the UN Charter and the Security Council in general. All four goals have been achieved today.... Of course, as we know, the extraordinary efforts by diplomats, legal experts, economists and nuclear scientists continued throughout these past 23 months, in order to oversee these red lines so that we could achieve our goals.”
He followed up with a list of capitulations on the part of the P5+1, which he attributed to Iranian steadfastness. Among these are the number of centrifuges Iran will be able to retain – from a demand of a mere 100 at the start of the negotiations, to a whopping 6,000 agreed to this week, 5,000 of which will continue to enrich uranium.
Another involves the period of Western “restrictions” on the nuclear program – from 20 years to eight.
Where research and development are concerned, here, too, Rouhani said Iran got its way: “We wanted an agreement [under which] on the day of its implementation we would begin to inject gas into [advanced] IR-8 [centrifuges] and that is exactly what we achieved today.”
After naming a number of other points of victory for Iran, he raised the issue of sanctions. “[O]n the day the agreement is implemented, all the sanctions – even the embargo on weapons, missiles and proliferation – will be lifted... All the financial and banking sanctions, and those related to insurance, transportation, petrochemical [industries], precious metals, and all economic sanctions will be completely lifted, not frozen. Even the arms embargo will be stopped.”
This achievement, which will have the immediate effect of filling the till of the terrorist regime in Tehran with $100 billion, is cause for the greatest celebration.
Still, Rouhani stressed the broader significance of the historic day when “the largest countries in the world and the superpowers officially recognized Iran’s nuclear activity.”
But, said Rouhani, Iranians are not the only ones pleased with this turn of events.
“[T]he people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Lebanon are happy too, because the hollow efforts of the oppressive Zionist regime to thwart the negotiations during the past 23 months have failed.”
Rouhani ended with a message to the Arab countries in the region.
“Do not be misled by the propaganda of the Zionist regime and the evil-mongers of this nation,” he warned. “Iran and its might are always your might. We see the security of the region as our security, and the stability of the region as our stability.”
On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama held a press conference at the White House, for the purpose of praising the nuclear agreement and patting himself on the back for having reached it.
“The comprehensive long-term deal that we achieved with our allies and partners to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon represents a powerful display of American leadership and diplomacy,” he said. “It shows what we can accomplish when we lead from a position of strength and a position of principle when we unite the international community around a shared vision and we resolve to solve problems peacefully.”
Like Rouhani, Obama was touting his accomplishments.
Unlike Rouhani, however, he had none to show for his efforts.
And everybody realizes it, including Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the ultimate arbitrator.
The fact that the chief mullah did not nix the wording of Tuesday’s agreement – as he has done every other time his team of negotiators has met with representatives of the P5+1 over the years – is all one needs to know. Indeed, Khamenei’s sole reservation about the deal has to do with his fear that it will not be upheld.
This he expressed in a letter to Rouhani on Wednesday.
“Reaching a deal is a significant step,” he wrote. “But the text of the deal should be carefully scrutinized and the legal procedures should be taken so when the deal is ratified the other side cannot breach it. [After all,] some of the members of the P5+1 are not trustworthy.”
The irony here is as tragic as it is astounding. Israel, which is all too familiar with the “untrustworthy” nature of Obama and his partners in the crime against humanity they are all abetting, would be the first to assure Khamenei that, on this score, he has nothing to worry about.
The writer is the web editor of Voice of Israel talk radio (voiceofisrael.
com) and a columnist at Israel Hayom.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Op-Ed: Defeating Israel with Funny Law
legal way the to get rid of Israel is through International
Humanitarian Law. Humanitarian Law is not applicable when Israel is
attacked, only when it defends itself.
Published: Sunday, July 19, 2015 7:43 AM
The time-honored role of the exiled Jew was to be downtrodden, bearded and bookish. Then Zionist dreamers pulled a mini state out of the hat, and went on to win war after war. Even non-belligerents were bamboozled. The idea of military “Yids”, even without the victorious part, was a travesty. To put the clock back offended powers cloned a funny law to neuter the juggernaut. Afterwards, they hoped and trusted, mortal enemies would do what mortal enemies always did when Jews were downtrodden in exile.
To the cognoscenti the funny law is known as IHL – International Humanitarian Law. Calls to indict Israel for war crimes rely on it implicitly, as well they might. IHL is an anti-Semite’s dream. Applied with careful malice it holds the means to transform Israel from a light unto the nations into a Lucifer with killing power. I devote a full chapter in my book, Hadrian’s Echo to the liberties that Israel ‘critics’ take with IHL, and what a ready weapon it can be to make Jews pay for being strong. If the Chosen won’t succumb to physical onslaught, let them deal with morale-sapping verbal onslaught. Curse the life out of Israel!
The vindictive onslaught, under the half-hidden banner, Make war with law, breaks down into four elements that chill the heart.
- The agenda: To bring the offensive nation to its knees by expelling it as a pariah from the world community.
- The design: to hamstring the IDF, so making the work of terror groups that much easier.
- The trap: To set the legal bar high enough (far higher than elsewhere on earth) to ensure that Israel fails to clear it.
- The looked-for result: To blow the whistle, then to haul Israel and its leaders before the UN, the media, the court of public opinion and the International Criminal Court.
If the Chosen won’t succumb to physical onslaught, let them deal with morale-sapping verbal onslaught.
Without a class of effective ‘Jew-prosecutors’ the project would be dead in the water. The UN Human Rights Council appoints them from a shortlist of law professors. The type has long been among the worst of anti-Semites. Recall that the Einsatzgruppen, Nazi execution squads that roamed Russia to eradicate Jews, town by town, had law academics in the ranks. One commander, Otto Ohlendorf, had degrees from three universities and a doctorate in jurisprudence.
Today, law academics, at the UN’s bidding, make use of IHL to criminalize Jews. Some, like John Dugard and Richard Falk, are given the title, ‘Rapporteur’ with a brief to drum up crimes that turn Israeli leaders into a criminal class. Others, like Richard Goldstone and Mary McGowan Davis, head up commissions tasked by the Human Rights Council to find Israel guilty after every mini war with Gaza. For these hired ‘hitmen’ malleable, Jew-trapping IHL is the perfect weapon.
How deftly they employ it. While conceding to Israel the universal right to defend its people, the hitmen in legal attire lay down conditions that amount to the following: the IDF may not kill the enemy, injure the enemy, or damage property belonging to the enemy. It takes only one of the above to happen for the whistle to blow. Needless to say the demand to wage war safely so that that no one gets hurt and nothing gets damaged applies to Israel and only to Israel. That’s one red light.
“The aspiration of every legal system,” says Harvard’s Alan Dershowitz “is to be governed by the objective rule of law rather than the ad hoc decisions of biased human beings.” Dershowitz compares this foundation principle to the modus operandi of appointed, and self-appointed, IHL implementers, the latter being people who make a living (a good one)by keeping UN-hirelings supplied with Israeli offences. They work, Dershowitz observes, in reverse order. Back to front, they begin with Israeli actions rather than with neutral law that governs the acts of all other states. They then proceed to measure acts of the IDF “against unrealistic, anachronistic and abstract principles that could not be, and have never been, applied to (other militaries.)”
In this way a constant supply of crimes is guaranteed. One Israeli outfit, B’Tselem, actually boasts about its productive rate. “The Guardian, The New York Times, Washington Post, AP, CNN, NBC, and many other news channels used our essential data. The UN report on the 2014 Gaza Conflict cited our figures and findings more than those of any other (NGO).” So wrote Oded Diner of B’Tselem, appealing to donors to open their wallets.
Abstract law was one red light. A second red light is that concern for Palestinian lives does not drive the demand on Israel to wage war safely. Assad the butcher of Syria starved to death hundreds of Palestinians, and the human rights apparatus was caught studying its toenails. Here were the same Palestinians that Israel is forbidden to harm, but that Syria may slaughter with impunity. No IHL policemen and prosecutors scrambled for IHL when Assad did his dirty deeds.
The word ‘disproportionate’ sets off another red light, ticks a third box. UN-hired hands rely heavily on that word, never stopping to explain how and why IDF acts are disproportionate. Some don’t even wait to gather evidence. Christine Chinkin, law professor at the London School of Economics, simply can’t suppress the impulse to demonize weapon-wielding Jews. “Israel’s bombardment of Gaza is not self-defense - it’s a war crime. Israel’s (disproportionate) actions amount to aggression, not self-defense.” When delivering her verdict Chinkin had yet to set foot in Gaza; had not weighed a shred of evidence for herself.
Professor Dugard, another hitman, is better at keeping up a professional front. “It is not possible to adopt an armchair attitude in assessing Israel’s response to suicide bombings and Palestinian violence. Israel is entitled to a wide margin of appreciation in its response. But, even allowing for this, it is suggested, on the basis of evidence provided, that Israel’s response to terror is disproportionate.”
That word again. Has it a dimension that can be measured? Probably not when even a law professor takes disproportionate to mean what he considers to be excessive force – force that offends him. But how much weight to give the feelings of an investigator whose brief it was to hear no evil, speak no evil, report no evil about crimes that Palestinians commit? Hired hitmen indict Israel without legal argument. Jews kill indiscriminately. Period.
The International Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia long ago confessed: there are no hard and fast rules for disproportionate force, or for targeting civilians. War crimes have to be proven one by one, case by case. The Jew prosecutor not only fails to do that, he applies no objective yardstick whatever. One terrorist victim of Israel is a victim too many. An Israeli attack is simply an attack that MacGowan Davis and her ilk don’t like – or an attack by people they don't like.
Concerning all of this, Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer posed the right question. Charles Krauthammer “If no military tactic is permissible for Israel, what's left? Ah, but that's the point. What's left? Nothing. The whole point is to deprive Israel of any legitimate form of self-defense. The world is tired of these troublesome Jews, six million, refusing every invitation to national suicide.”
It’s right there, in the small print of the funny law: “No right to live.”
Thursday, July 16, 2015
The suicidal, free fall of this world is gaining momentum. Odd how many angry people are demanding, and fighting tooth and nail, bomb and knife to promote their right to destroy everything that is good, decent and alive.
With all the freedom given to baby killers, aka abortionist, world wide for many years, the admission this week by planned parenthood that they are selling intact fetal body parts for $30 to $100 dollars per specimen and the report that an Isis training camp this week had new recruits strap a bomb to an orphaned baby and blow it up is just par for the course.
Not content with killing babies, the enlightened are now pursuing their twisted path into the joys of sodomizing each other and the kids that are left. They are spewing hate which will result in unimaginable violence on the people who actually think they should have the freedom to have sex with the opposite sex; forming life time unions with one other person and raising children in a family unit where they are protected from perversion. How depraved and horrible they howl, gnashing their teeth. What they really hate is the God who created man and woman and ordained marriage between male and female couples as good, for the purpose of procreation. The God who declares every other kind of sex and perversion is evil.
The Muslims and the homosexuals have one major thing in common. They all HATE the true God. I heard this week that the name "Boko Haram" which the liberal media have told the world means "against western education", actually means, "Forbidden Book". Plainly put, the war Boko Haram is waging is not a war on western education but a war on those who read and believe the forbidden book, the Bible."
Well did God say that they will call good evil and evil good. Truly did he fore tell in the last days that many would be beheaded for the witness of Christ. This is the last days, and we Christians are not a pampered, blessed elite with a God who gives us every monetary blessing and then raptures us out of the world before there is any trouble. The trouble is here and we are called to lay down our lives and our heads for the one who laid down His life for us.
Now the US under the leadership of Obama has made the historic mistake that spells it's utter destruction. Without blinking an eye or uttering a remonstrance the longtime 'friend of Israel' has ignored Iran's declared goal of destroying Israel and led a stampede of concessions that will absolutely assist that country to become a nuclear power. I suspect it has not been done in spite of their avowals to destroy Israel, but because of it. They hate everything of God.
I, however, read and believe the Bible. The Bible says that in the last days there will be an evil super power that will fill the world with sexual filth and fornication and it will greatly persecute the people of God. That nation will be utterly destroyed by a confederation of nations led by Iran.
With all the freedom given to baby killers, aka abortionist, world wide for many years, the admission this week by planned parenthood that they are selling intact fetal body parts for $30 to $100 dollars per specimen and the report that an Isis training camp this week had new recruits strap a bomb to an orphaned baby and blow it up is just par for the course.
Not content with killing babies, the enlightened are now pursuing their twisted path into the joys of sodomizing each other and the kids that are left. They are spewing hate which will result in unimaginable violence on the people who actually think they should have the freedom to have sex with the opposite sex; forming life time unions with one other person and raising children in a family unit where they are protected from perversion. How depraved and horrible they howl, gnashing their teeth. What they really hate is the God who created man and woman and ordained marriage between male and female couples as good, for the purpose of procreation. The God who declares every other kind of sex and perversion is evil.
The Muslims and the homosexuals have one major thing in common. They all HATE the true God. I heard this week that the name "Boko Haram" which the liberal media have told the world means "against western education", actually means, "Forbidden Book". Plainly put, the war Boko Haram is waging is not a war on western education but a war on those who read and believe the forbidden book, the Bible."
Well did God say that they will call good evil and evil good. Truly did he fore tell in the last days that many would be beheaded for the witness of Christ. This is the last days, and we Christians are not a pampered, blessed elite with a God who gives us every monetary blessing and then raptures us out of the world before there is any trouble. The trouble is here and we are called to lay down our lives and our heads for the one who laid down His life for us.
Now the US under the leadership of Obama has made the historic mistake that spells it's utter destruction. Without blinking an eye or uttering a remonstrance the longtime 'friend of Israel' has ignored Iran's declared goal of destroying Israel and led a stampede of concessions that will absolutely assist that country to become a nuclear power. I suspect it has not been done in spite of their avowals to destroy Israel, but because of it. They hate everything of God.
I, however, read and believe the Bible. The Bible says that in the last days there will be an evil super power that will fill the world with sexual filth and fornication and it will greatly persecute the people of God. That nation will be utterly destroyed by a confederation of nations led by Iran.
Pro-gay activists react to gay ‘marriage’ resistance: ‘Too many Christians, not enough lions’
July 14, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) --
There has been no shortage of anti-Christian rhetoric from various
media outlets in the fallout from the Supreme Court decision decreeing
homosexual "marriage" across the country.
"Too many Christians, not enough lions," a derisive reference capitalizing on the Christians martyred in ancient Rome, was also how one LGBT activist responded to Catholic Vote's (CV) pro-marriage "Not Alone" video, according to CV President Brian Burch.
Released the day of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, the CV video logged more than 1.3 million views in the first 10 days.
"Seeing the power of our message, LGBT activists have now mounted a massive campaign to mock, ridicule, and shame us," Burch wrote to supporters. "They have used every curse word (and more) to attack us personally. They threatened our staff with phone calls. And now some are openly calling for the persecution of Christians."
Defaming of Christians, and Christ, continued over at The Huffington Post, where a column by Jules Suzdaltsev titled "Was Jesus Gay?" was picked up July 8.
"After the Supreme Court's historic ruling on gay marriage," the column began, "it seemed like all the proudly homophobic Christians came out of the woodwork to talk about how much they still hate gay people."
"As a straight Jew, the homophobia amongst Jesus's followers has always struck me as a bit of a surprise," Suzdaltsev wrote. "Worshipping at the feet of a ripped, hung man, seems at least a little homoerotic."
The piece went on to make derogatory comments about the crucified Lord and conservatives.
The original July 6 article came from the website Vice, where the author interviewed openly homosexual pastor Bob Shore-Goss, first asking whether Shore-Goss thought Jesus Christ was gay.
"I would hope he is. I would project that he is," Shore-Goss responded. "For my own spirituality, I would love to jump into bed with Jesus. At the very least, Jesus was queer."
The piece then endeavored to present biblical evidence of Jesus's homosexuality, including asserting that St. Paul was a closeted homosexual.
Elsewhere on The Huffington Post, in a vulgarly titled piece, blogger Domenick Scudera called the CV video supporting marriage "offensive."
"Yes, it is harsh being labeled a bigot," he wrote, addressing the young adults in the video. "But you brought that on yourself."
The anti-conservative website Media Matters complained on June 29 about NPR, The New York Times, USA Today, and CNN booking representatives of the Family Research Council (FRC) on their programs to comment on Obergefell v. Hodges, calling FRC an "extreme anti-gay hate group" with a "track record of dishonesty."
Responding to the Supreme Court ruling that same day, a Raw Story report by Valerie Tarico stated that the Bible endorses polygamy, sexual slavery, and coerced marriage, and also said that Christians citing biblical morality for not supporting homosexual "marriage" were ignorant of the Bible's actual contents and simply opposed to change.
"Many who call themselves Bible believers are simply, congenitally conservative – meaning change-resistant," Tarico wrote. "What really concerns them is protecting the status quo, an ancient hierarchy with privileged majority-culture straight males at the top, which they justify by invoking ancient texts."
In his June 30 entry titled "2 Ways Homophobes Will Cope with Post-Obergefell America" for The Good Men Project, website columnist Matthew Rozsa predicted "symbolic acts of defiance from the dying fragments of the anti-gay marriage movement" and warned that "[m]ore than ever, anti-LGBT activists are going to paint themselves as the victims."
Rozsa pointed to a National Review editorial as an example of marriage supporters crying victim, ridiculing it for its mention of the spread of homosexual and gender ideology into U.S. education and for making "suffering stigma for holding intolerant views seem like a form of oppression."
"Just as open proponents of segregation eventually became a fringe element in American society, so too are opponents of marriage equality eventually going to fade into political irrelevance," Rozsa wrote. "Until that happens, though, this is the show we can expect."
Rozsa was not alone in articulating hope that pro-marriage Christians will become marginalized now that homosexual "marriage" has been legally mandated across the U.S.
Liberal political commentator and open lesbian Sally Kohn called at The Daily Beast for ostracizing marriage supporters.
"Will anti-gay Christians be politically and socially ostracized? I sure hope so," Kohn stated. "To those who remain in the fringe minority stubbornly mired in hatred and the dark rationalizations of the past, please try to lose gracefully. You are not being exiled. The world is simply moving on without you."
"Too many Christians, not enough lions," a derisive reference capitalizing on the Christians martyred in ancient Rome, was also how one LGBT activist responded to Catholic Vote's (CV) pro-marriage "Not Alone" video, according to CV President Brian Burch.
Released the day of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, the CV video logged more than 1.3 million views in the first 10 days.
"Seeing the power of our message, LGBT activists have now mounted a massive campaign to mock, ridicule, and shame us," Burch wrote to supporters. "They have used every curse word (and more) to attack us personally. They threatened our staff with phone calls. And now some are openly calling for the persecution of Christians."
Defaming of Christians, and Christ, continued over at The Huffington Post, where a column by Jules Suzdaltsev titled "Was Jesus Gay?" was picked up July 8.
"After the Supreme Court's historic ruling on gay marriage," the column began, "it seemed like all the proudly homophobic Christians came out of the woodwork to talk about how much they still hate gay people."
"As a straight Jew, the homophobia amongst Jesus's followers has always struck me as a bit of a surprise," Suzdaltsev wrote. "Worshipping at the feet of a ripped, hung man, seems at least a little homoerotic."
The piece went on to make derogatory comments about the crucified Lord and conservatives.
The original July 6 article came from the website Vice, where the author interviewed openly homosexual pastor Bob Shore-Goss, first asking whether Shore-Goss thought Jesus Christ was gay.
"I would hope he is. I would project that he is," Shore-Goss responded. "For my own spirituality, I would love to jump into bed with Jesus. At the very least, Jesus was queer."
The piece then endeavored to present biblical evidence of Jesus's homosexuality, including asserting that St. Paul was a closeted homosexual.
Elsewhere on The Huffington Post, in a vulgarly titled piece, blogger Domenick Scudera called the CV video supporting marriage "offensive."
"Yes, it is harsh being labeled a bigot," he wrote, addressing the young adults in the video. "But you brought that on yourself."
The anti-conservative website Media Matters complained on June 29 about NPR, The New York Times, USA Today, and CNN booking representatives of the Family Research Council (FRC) on their programs to comment on Obergefell v. Hodges, calling FRC an "extreme anti-gay hate group" with a "track record of dishonesty."
Responding to the Supreme Court ruling that same day, a Raw Story report by Valerie Tarico stated that the Bible endorses polygamy, sexual slavery, and coerced marriage, and also said that Christians citing biblical morality for not supporting homosexual "marriage" were ignorant of the Bible's actual contents and simply opposed to change.
"Many who call themselves Bible believers are simply, congenitally conservative – meaning change-resistant," Tarico wrote. "What really concerns them is protecting the status quo, an ancient hierarchy with privileged majority-culture straight males at the top, which they justify by invoking ancient texts."
In his June 30 entry titled "2 Ways Homophobes Will Cope with Post-Obergefell America" for The Good Men Project, website columnist Matthew Rozsa predicted "symbolic acts of defiance from the dying fragments of the anti-gay marriage movement" and warned that "[m]ore than ever, anti-LGBT activists are going to paint themselves as the victims."
Rozsa pointed to a National Review editorial as an example of marriage supporters crying victim, ridiculing it for its mention of the spread of homosexual and gender ideology into U.S. education and for making "suffering stigma for holding intolerant views seem like a form of oppression."
"Just as open proponents of segregation eventually became a fringe element in American society, so too are opponents of marriage equality eventually going to fade into political irrelevance," Rozsa wrote. "Until that happens, though, this is the show we can expect."
Rozsa was not alone in articulating hope that pro-marriage Christians will become marginalized now that homosexual "marriage" has been legally mandated across the U.S.
Liberal political commentator and open lesbian Sally Kohn called at The Daily Beast for ostracizing marriage supporters.
"Will anti-gay Christians be politically and socially ostracized? I sure hope so," Kohn stated. "To those who remain in the fringe minority stubbornly mired in hatred and the dark rationalizations of the past, please try to lose gracefully. You are not being exiled. The world is simply moving on without you."
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Op-Ed: I Support the Jewish Communities of Judea and Samaria. And You?
Israel needs the heroes living in Judea and Samaria. So does the West.
Published: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 12:59 PM
Every time they drive down their roads, their hearts must pound with fear. Ordinary Jews feeling like targets at a shooting range. That’s why they are all Danny Gonen and Malachi Rosenfeld, two young Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists in the last few days.
But despite it all, they don’t and won’t live in fear in their own land. They will build, they will plant, they will grow, they will thrive. They are not scared that they will be forced to leave, but that it could be made so uncomfortable for Jews that it will be impossible to stay.
That is why I support the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria and you all should do the same. I haven’t met anyone in Israel who doesn’t want “peace”. But not with killers and certainly not before they have laid down their weapons. The greatest “sin” of the Jews of Judea and Samaria is not their home address, but their refusal to surrender. That is why the world hates them and has convinced Western public opinion that the “West Bank" is "Palestine" and the Jews living there are “squatters on land stolen with the blood of Arabs.”
They will build, they will plant, they will grow, they will thrive.
A couple of months ago, I lost a wonderful Israeli friend, Adriana Katz. She was the chief psychiatrist at the Sderot Clinic and took care for years of the Israeli victims of the bombings. Her deadly cancer was the result of years under siege. The last time we met she told me she didn’t believe in Israel's future any more, that a Jewish State couldn’t survive in that ocean of hatred and rejection, that Israeli life was an illusion. Adriana was a fantastic human being, a true Israeli. But I know that if all Israelis would be like her, the state would dissolve in a minute.
Israel needs the heroes living in Judea and Samaria.
These Jews are committed to Zionism and have the support of world Jewry, even of those who would never say it openly. Those who are now struggling to establish new Jewish communities in Israel are committed fighters, and support is vital to their success.
Jewish communities all over the world and the Gentiles who love Jews should make a concerted effort, both morally and materially, to help in the fight for the future of Eretz Israel. Those who have taken it upon themselves to defend the Jewish homeland need and deserve support.
If Western civilization’s fate depends on Israel and the fate of Israel lies on Judea and Samaria’s shoulders, the world’s freedom depends on this tiny entity, the brave “Jewish settlers”. Support them.
Op-Ed: Gilad Sharon Proves There’s No Hope For the Delusional Left
Three wars came and went due to Sharon’s generosity, with a fourth war in the offing any day.
Published: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 12:19 PM
When I read this I realized all over again that the Left will never cease being delusional.
Or one of us is nuts…them or me.
I’m not even talking about Obama’s concessions to Iran. That too is delusion and insanity. I’ve covered this before and will do so again.
Today it’s about father and son.
Gilad Sharon is the latest to insist that the Gaza expulsion was a success. His father did the right thing. So says Ariel’s son. People like Gilad can’t do the math? One and one equal two. Two and two equal four and 10,000 Israelis expelled from Gush Katif equal 10,000 rockets fired from Hamas.
I’m not even sure if Gilad belongs to the Left. Several times he’s quacked like a hawk. But not on Gaza, at least this time.
This time he sounds positively thrilled about what happened 10 years ago, August 15, 2005, another Jewish date that will live in infamy. So the anniversary comes up in a month and if they’ll be handing out candy in Ramallah there’ll be backslapping and towel-snapping in the newsrooms of Haaretz and The New York Times.
Name the mistake and the Left will never say “Oops. We goofed. Sorry.” In fact, they double down, as does Gilad.
I can’t quote from the article in which he defends his father and all the rest of them who adore the fact that Gaza is completely judenrein. Because it makes no sense. What he says is so utterly convoluted. I interpret his comments like this: “Israelis don’t want Gaza because it is so dangerous. The place is full of terrorists.”
The place is full of terrorists, silly, because 10,000 productive law-abiding Jewish Israelis were forcibly removed to make room for Palestinian Arabs, who in turn gave it over to maniacs from the Palestinian Authority, who then fled when an even more diabolical tribe took over, Hamas.
That is not politics. It is mathematics.
For creeps like William Schabas and the UN Human Rights Council, Sharon’s Pogrom is the gift that keeps on giving.
Gaza was never that dangerous before all that, and in fact the Gush Katif farming communities therein produced cutting edge agriculture that delighted the world.
Everything changed when sitting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon changed colors overnight. He remained hawkish, but oddly so.
He became a hawk to the Jews but a dove to the Arabs. This happened awfully fast and surprised many Israelis who’d been under the impression that “this land is our land.” Not so. On June 6, 2004, Sharon inaugurated the Disengagement Plan and from that moment on it was hell on earth for any Israeli who demurred.
Sharon fired any cabinet member who voiced doubt or dissent and replaced them with cronies.
The newspapers were silenced into submission. Protesters were rounded up and it made no difference if they were 11-year-old girls carrying signs.
They too were whisked off to jail.
So exactly what is Gilad so happy about? Three wars came and went due to Sharon’s generosity, with a fourth war in the offing any day.
IDF heroes died in all three conflicts. A million Israelis who reside nearby Gaza still can’t sleep properly. They are constantly on edge. For those 10 years they’ve endured constant shelling and rocket fire. Even when it’s relatively quiet nothing can quiet the children, and the adults, suffering from nightmares.
On top of all that Israel’s enemies repeatedly have something to crow about – alleged “disproportionate response.”
For creeps like William Schabas and the UN Human Rights Council, Sharon’s Pogrom is the gift that keeps on giving.
We need Gilad to further explain himself. Understood. Some people refuse to apologize even for their most horrendous mistakes. Also understood that Gilad was trying to honor his father. This is entirely proper. But silence would have been the golden approach for that Biblical imperative.
As it is, Gilad is only rubbing it in. Gush Katif was a tragedy. To gloat over it as a success is shameful and preposterous.
If apologies are too much to ask from Gilad and the entire Left, an explanation for everything gone wrong will do for a start.
We need to know if these people are merely stubborn, or absolutely hopeless.
Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. New from the New York-based novelist, The Bathsheba Deadline, a newsroom thriller ripped from the headlines. Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller Indecent Proposal that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. Website: www.jackengelhard.com
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