Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Pray

It was a heart breaking day for Israel.  Our government capitualted once again to pressure from the Kerry/Obama administration and the UN and agreed to a 72 hour cease fire that Hamas also agreed to.   One and one half hours into the cease fire a terrorist disguised as an IDF soldier approached a group of soldiers at the Rafaq border and then blew himself up.   Other terrorist appeared out of a terror tunnel and opened fire.  The remaining soldiers fired back and in the ensuing debacle one of the soldiers, a platoon leader, either wounded or dead, was kidnapped by the terrorist.  Knowing  how evil this young mans captors are we hope he is dead.

Immediately Hamas declared that Israel had broken the ceasefire and cried out to the international community, when in fact they had perpetrated yet another act of sheer perfidy.   At least they are consistent.  They have broken every single ´humanitarian ´ cease fire so far and then bragged about it, generally after killing some more IDF soldiers.

If one didn´t know that this is a spiritual battle as much as a physical one the determination of the international community to believe and support these lying ghouls would be unfathomable.   The behaviour of the Israeli government would be even more incomprehensible.   As it is we see the kingdom of satan at work in full blown deception and sheer evil.  Our army is fighting the devil himself  in Gaza.

To those of you who have asked me how to pray I would suggest first of all to intercede for Godś mercy for our soldiers, our leaders and our nation.  Be led by the spirit and pray accordingly.  If you are not hearing much, a good guideline is to not believe anything that the news reports or the Palestinians say.  Most of what they say is either blatant lies or so twisted and distorted that it shows the exact opposite of the truth.  Do not expose yourself to this poison anymore than necessary.  Rather pray for the opposite of what the international community is declaring and demanding from Israel.  See to it that you stand with what God says about Israel in the Bible.  Your most basic need at this time is to be in agreement with Him.

Your fervency in prayer should be heightened by realizing that if God does not intervene, you in America and Europe will soon be facing what we are facing. The Muslims are continually expanding  their goal of universal Jihad.  You are next.

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