Monday, August 4, 2014

Shocking Report Of Children Being Shot in Gaza

The following eyewitness report from a wounded Israeli soldier from Gaza:

We went into Shujaiya, to discover and destroy the Hamas 

terrorist tunnels. We discovered there an entire underground 

city, with multi-shaft, wide tunnels, with Wi-Fi & 

air-conditioning systems, concrete walls, and stocked to the 

ceiling with weapons and explosives. Some of the tunnels are 

so wide, that they can ride back and forwards on Vespa-type 

scooters. And then came the worst! The Hamas fighters 

started sending towards us 13- and 14-year-old Palestinian 

children, running at us, wearing explosive-laden suicide-

bomber belts!! Those children were death-trapped, and 

became human bombs, by the communitys adults!! We 

were trained to fight adult soldiers or any other skilled adults, 

enabling us to defend our families and countrymen. But 

this?? We had no other option but, in self-defense, to shoot 

them at as far a range from us as we could, before the  

responsible adultthat sent them used his mobile phone to 

detonate the belts, and kill us.One of the injured soldiers 

ended up by saying, I do not know if Ill ever be able to 

sleep again; the pictures of those poor children, killed by my 

gun, will probably never leave me!

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